Dove descending interior old Augustus Lutheran Church Sanctuary, founded by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, c. 1743 Providence (Trappe) PA, 18 Sept 2012.

27 March 2020

The Bridge @ Neon Garden 7

This story in Neon Garden 7, The Bridge, glimpses an a-bout-face absorption of the collective of time and life once known.  Withal, several diverse threads weave  through this darkness, Jon Rousseau's How Do I Know I Am Alive and  Sjón Larsson's  To Tell the Truth.

"So far the bridge has kept from falling. Some say it’s a bridge of iron and steel to cross but it’s a bridge to build the world. In all its inimical stand...The Colonist's step over this bespelder'd floor was All in One. It came on as swift as a car slams as you walk or your legs flow to the pavement of themselves. There, one and all, at midnight with false papers, we are commanded to walk." here

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