Dove descending interior old Augustus Lutheran Church Sanctuary, founded by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, c. 1743 Providence (Trappe) PA, 18 Sept 2012.

06 January 2025

Selected Works

 Three Essays (1966)

A Calendar of Poems (1973) 

Restorations of the Golden Age (1975)

Taliesin and the Summer Stars (1980)

Native Texans (1984) 

A Poetical Reading of the Psalms of David 1-41 (1985)

PL3:HSTBIS. Planet Three: Help Send This Book Into Space (1986)

Waldo Hippo Possum

Waldo Hippo Possum

Building Trans Human Immortals
Building Trans Human Immortals

Building Transhuman Immortals (2012) Both Horse and Rider

The Severed Head: Starchitecture Tales Fro Faerie Gromets (2013) Both Horse and Rider

    Some Days into the (implicit, [or] enforced) Moratorium, a small foci on the left parietal cortex, which is a lot like these versions of which the original file does not exist and the memory of the hundred versions of it (literally) don't either. The versions do however so they display periodically as we do our affections. So fiction is like life.

The current version as of 9/18/13 is that of 3/4/12, which looks like the very last before the crash. The opening segment, which appeared as Hybrid Beastiary, but without the links active and the pics, has been beviewed some 2500 times at Red Fez. Other parts have apparently appeared too. FLASH!!! LOST DOCUMENT OF 4 MARCH RECOVERED 9 June! Unbelievable! No more can be added to the 107 total versions as the file is gone. #75 showing now, the 172 page "long" version. In the beginning this was BUILDING TRANSHUMAN IMMORTALS revised. It got revised a hundred times, but eventually two electronic interfaces disagreed and it entered the hole. Somewhere it existed who can now doubt. Of the hundred not one remained in the world.

Then OPIOMES was formed of its chaos, Visions of the Starchitect, Ishtar Hotel in its first reel. It blames Coleridge. Then TROJAN HORSE (now HistoPossum) formed of the spit. Poseidon, out of the dread locks of Medusa, like the Trojan, like Pegasus, made horses, but still retained her SEVERED HEAD. This is as ghastly as true. Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor formed just at that moment when Perseus severed it. Then the immigrant Kurk Wold docked his Batcave Neptune Mobile in Denver, home of the Broncos and Mustang Sally. So these two versions, Trojan Horse (HistoPossum) and Opiomes, were once one. One became two out of chaos, and now there are three. Would that Raja Rao had lived to hear it.

Myth becoming fact might be fun, surrealism absurd, but for Dean Swift rowing down the Thames. I don&t mind if you take the severed head as a parable of particle physics, of the failure of the standard model to describe 4-space time entering 3-space, or, "energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared!" Then the empty place the empty head. A parable of particle physics! Napont Wilmington!

To interpret we don’t think they are pursuing particle physics in this. The paradigm of the Standard Model is incomplete if not false, flat space time but not curved. So while they pursue the half speed LHC pipe dream of Higgs, the thinking is skewed, as if it were being done to them, not by them, and they deny the existence of the longitudinal wave. To anybody who persevered through this process maybe the title isn't quite set, Kurk Wold Letters, oops, fauxnonfic, Cartoon at the End of the World, Ishtar Hotel, Starchitect, but after a hundred visions and revisions three times this much exists in other states, hidden on the internet!
49 pages

Waldo Hippo Possum. (2015) Both Horse and Rider

    The last draft of 5/31/14 - 2/10/15 now showing. Previously displaying was the very first draft of years ago. This work in HistoPossum, Opiomes and Severed Head must be taken in the same sense as the bridges in the Ring of Saturn's Rag picking History, Grandville’s 1844 book Un autre monde, celebrated by Walter Benjamin, and Kafka's so called mistaken bridge from New York to Boston in Amerika.

These become examples or types of the bridge put up in the Encouragements index, to take as one what is many, celebrated in later work of 2019 by that name. Editors (Max Brod) thought they had to correct Kafka. That is, these writings are all rag pickings, collectibles, and faux to make iron look like wood, or wood iron. Oh would you turn it to gold! Shut up thou Lethe sunk. I'm interested in finishes but am not much of a philosopher. There are bridges in space, but mine are bridges of time, which I feel preoccupied to display because they consume my meditations, time, you see I dare not say it, it sounds so absurd. Naivete is the calling card. A low light on the horizon rising.

You will also note my Ishtar Hotel is deviously Kafka's Occidental Hotel amped like K's Statue of Liberty with "the arm with the sword now reached aloft". They need to be apologized for but aren't. No doubt here comes someone to restore the text, add coherence, defeat montage, refuse the half-concealed dream of citations, torsos, data base, data base. I sought my analyst, but found she was everything I was not.

31 May 14 Tightened p. 78 to the end 30

Jan 14 It's a shame that E Pluribus Unum is pagan, but it doesn't say "Gather Together In One All Things In The Messiah, both in heaven and on earth in Him." Dozens of Americans grope toward their seclorum millennial end, but it is not of the Son of Psalm 2, Kiss the Son whose kingdom is set upon the holy hill. It sounds more like Hosea 13.2, the work of craftsmen where the sacrificers of men kiss the calves. Calf kissing and human sacrifice is being pursued downtown in the kidney at The Severed Head and the Ishtar Hotel.

22 Dec 13 How could anybody penetrate this chaos. Some slight improvements entered today.

30 July 13 Tramp Wine sounds like something made under bridges from sterno. I can't say it's not, I can't say it is. It came from seeing the leaves spell out letters on the walk so to speak, spelling words we can't bear to hear, so I was out tramping them down to obscure them, but then, won't you know, the sea did the same with the sand. That's my Tramp Wine.

28 June These forces in history are called HistoPossum, because they play dead but are very much alive.

21 Feb If you can see an effect you can reason its significance

15 Jan 13 This take is for any Gobbets who might have wandered off the nipple.

8 Jan 13
Dear Anybody, This could be a journal of a letter, not to confuse. Other sources are forthcoming, but hopefully not here. You have been patient enough, if you have been at all. This is the way of it. It is why The Third Policeman never got out. But there was no Scribd then. Alors.

30 Nov 2012 This Version organized to welcome the Charles Bowden brain-beheaded world, Hopefully the narrative will survive. His other absurd monograph, Opiomes, facetiously argues the America nation given to Iraq (meaning Babylon) at the Obama inauguration in Denver, in architectural icons designed as a gigantic (st)age and genre of super events. Buildings and art culminate in the arrival of super mensch. Wold says genetic art, science, weather manipulation, chemtrails on postage stamps, unspeakable government experiments,psychological manipulations hold prisoner these institutions. Wold was held twice, escaped thrice. This exploration of the underworld and iconic Altar frieze of Gigantomachy are prima facie evidence to him of the giant arms. It is as if the successor to William Burroughs were Hunter Thompson and to Tho...
94 pages

Opiomes - Both Horse and Rider

 "from the arched roof Pendant by subtle Magic many a row Of Starry Lamps and blazing Cresents fed With Naphtha and Asphaltus yielded light As from a sky. PL I, 726f 17 Apr 14 A miniature of this was issued on Red Fez recently which jokes that the classics and movies are the two greatest sources of the news. Since then more elements of starchitecture have been revealed and a primer of countdowns to the Day is in the works. Meantime clues are given at the Encouragements entry announcing the Red Fez article. Other more finished papers of Kurk Wold, black scientist, are on Scribd too, but the rough notes, exhaustive in their way, and sometimes mystifying, are posted on a blog site edited by AE Reiff entitled Everyboy's afraid of this stuff. But I didn't invent it. I'm just reporting the literature. 1 May '13 New version reflects work at Insight Statutes exemplified in Training Hege @ Cafe Irreal.

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