Dove descending interior old Augustus Lutheran Church Sanctuary, founded by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, c. 1743 Providence (Trappe) PA, 18 Sept 2012.

01 January 2022

Barbary Poets & Biblio

Biographies Anonymous

You have either the thing itself face to face in action and word or explanations and analyses of it. Believe me the second is empty without the first which is an original title to speech, the I seeing. If you're going to walk your own way by yourself, to know fellow wayfarers on the way, living and dead, not all of them are named Ludwig. Each their own, valued in themselves, intuited as allies in some common walk with understanding.

  One frigate of these pirate ships as Chas Erb of Houston, a facetious antagonist of ontological imperialism, a full blown Alice in Wonderland who does not turn up even among the predominant conspiracies where Jon Rousseau, a parking lot attendant accounts his  writing as excavation, refilling, asphalting and stripping parking lots around town, taking after grandfather Henri, a toll-keeper of the hyper real, far from the trouble-free nature of his father, Jean-Jacques. Jean Rousseau led to Jean Jacques, then to Henri. This latest Jon interacts the commentary-process of modifying updates, syncretized fusions of heterogeneous discourse seeking the appearance of unity. Any author layering and redacting autonomous text is a ventriloquist of thought. 

The assassination of presidents as co-authored in Banquo's Safe asks how and who knew what on those private islands of the Chesapeake, and before in the castles of Brussels and City of London that made Banquo safe in a ditch with twenty trenched gashes on his head. Fact must be stripped with irony, free of rhetoric, along with its magnificenza, meraviglia, stupore and inganno (deception). Banquo is one  beloved word of the Baroque unhinged. Add Jarry, Bunuel, Cocteau and Satie, and bring Goya, Gehry and Bernini and Sartre  with Apollinaire and Gertrude Stein to that banquet held by Picasso for Jon's grandfather. To collect those notables of the absurd  who inherit intrigue, you will know that what he acquired from the Tractatus, The Future of Man, the Allegory, and Unscientific Postscript is the relation between language and thought as a reverse Fudoki, future reports, gazetteers agricultural, geographical, and historical records backwards, as well as mythology and folklore, chronicles of the most important literature of all, of the future, based upon ancient myth and history. 

These FAKTA Proprietaries as reversed literatures of fact operate a consortium of authors of the Futurist playbook against the New American Bolshevik society of the global 2020s. This completely reverses  from that era a hundred years before. Censorship is once again imposed on a continent and an age apart from the first. The first priority of Fakta remains to accentuate real material gathered first hand or culled from documentary sources (Kolchevska), except the facts are false, science is false, information is false then true, then false, then true. You may pick your quantum state. To needs define the reals, they are plus plus, plus minus, minus minus, minus plus. The formalist theories of  new faktovivi  seek to bypass algorithmic controls and translate hidden propitiatory work, read correctly.  While no co-authors of Banquo's Safe listed as apposite are true, that poet who had the Tractatus in youth long before, with the contemporaries and peers of Wittgenstein in the Principia Mathematica  and Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory,  bear Wittgenstein pictograph in a series of epiphanies,   "to show the fly the way out of the fly bottle." 

The mantle of the word gives speech and speech needs a speaker to credence the word but no depths of  mystery attach to the man who dresses in the garments of salvation. The name apart from the given name with which we enter the world to bear the passion is more like vanity. But words are not and neither are truths the lives they live. So to  publish the word is make known a certain panache against the critical sympathy of editors, if not against readers who might like us to have a brand, a style they can recognize. We name the Ur-author as the lyrical Snowleaf of several moods. He was on the"tropic coast neath a tropic sun," and "traveled to the new country," following no man. It seems a little severe to go your own way, even if it is the way of love. Doll Shop, White Barks, I Wisdom, sonnets, lyrics invested, blessed must come to admit that rendezvous of The Way, whose layers unfold. Let us say we see them only in the expression and not the essence of a poet not a philosopher. It was not altogether clear how the poetry came about when it was conceived to write fiction to give more freedom of expression and length, even if the fiction was poetic, even it was never blamed to be poetic, so maybe it wasn't. Maybe poetry is foreign language of the spirit that seeks to say the invisible sights and inaudible sound of inner speech, what Wittgenstein said can’t be said, in code. Eventually the arms of fiction, passion, love in these styles join poetic expression.

To Escape Before the Border Closed, first collected under aegis of the pseudonym, Rubino del Sur, an echo of Ruben Dario first called Rubino Cutlets, went through  revisions until the more it worked the less connective tissue remained, which value of  pare speaking and every other playful aegis start to finish with a sense of the absurd, editors could not countenance.  One tired of hearing that style was so different from this style. To frustrate branding, more than one these pseudonyms occurred, and with them biographies. AE's real life bio full of changes, drama and action remains unknown, whose way of composition didn't fit workshops.  The arrogance to assume the right to be did not fit either. Out of something like this context Rubino del Sur was conceived as a dentist in Antarctica and to get third billing maybe among the anticolonialsts and black revolutionaries poseurs. Rubino was a known name with encumbrances. He walked alone with some exceptions. The alienated speaker, who sees myth as a danger, and the overcoming of the gods as a desired end does not jibe however with the more Natsar beliefs of the lyricist. Less Natsar, not fulfilling the letter of things, but following the Nazarene, you have go Old Testament to find a model of perception among complicated lives and works. Outside these there seem a series of one offs, much like the ceramic sculptures done for a decade, letting the currents of time flow from hands into clay, but this is harder to see in lyrics that flow the same from the greater patterns of life. Clay molded into the forms of a poem shaped into the form of a man.

If you are going to create fresh then you like a contextual history and background and go from there. Collected poems and writings of these pseudonyms brought into being from the first a strain between philosophical discourse in poetry and the divine sonnet, biting satire and outright scholarship. To preserve the integrity so called, and because editors would hear only the voice they knew and no other, even if were many ways of speaking needed to confront the world, whether encouragements, corrections, reproofs, excoriations of wickedness, amazements of righteousness, but always with tribute to the Word that lives and moves and owns our being. 

Such narratives speak without advertisement in the anonymous world of change, but we will not change the world unless every moment surrendered help for life and breath of the One who is our Father, and his Son, full of grace and truth. None of these fit a pack to carry under arm delivered by jspot. This  is the same for those who came to bear the light that all men might believe. There our locust eating John told Herod and might as well have told every American president, because we reside there and our families before, just as holy or not as the kings of Israel and as corrupt. They are all corrupt they are all gone out of the way, there is none that do good, not one, and if not they need stand up to proof.  For it is appointed onto men once to die and after that Judge. So lift up your hands oh ye gates and be lifted up you everlasting doors.

Poets and artists may be considered unethical in getting their work out any way they can. To invent personas from continual observations about the variation in submissions whether they were Christian sometimes of faith or radical first involved Rubino del Sur, after Ruben Dario , poet of Nicaragua, who I first read in Spanish there, became a mouthpiece for sometime rantings against war, Fukishima, or Republicans and democrats, but he lately has taken more mythological stances from his vantage point of Antarctica where he ended up and still resides as a dentist,O boding his time perhaps for the revelations and discoveries to emerge. After Rubino came Augusto Todoele, name of course after the first translation of the name Reiff into the English bible in the Lindisfarne version of Luke about the plunderer. He too has gotten some publications but of a more scholarly sort and of Biblical and Reformist concerns. In the current entry here however he has gotten into crypto science and ancient biology. A new entry to the forum is Chas Erb of Houston, who is a full blown Alice in Wonderland radical of the many predominant conspiracies that plague Facebook. That the DACA editor entertains these varieties does not mean she has not passed on two others, who did not pass muster in Vol. 7 Jon Rousseau and Sjon Larsson whose piece on Quarantine may turn up. Of course another compelling reason for these voices emerged from the growing censorship imposed by editors on subject matter they allow. It is as if the whole point of view of what is allowable art overturned in a five year period, call it the Trump effect. So now there is a major segment of self congratulatory position taking by these organs against the typical and for the new designated subjects widely held in media such as getting vaxxed and breaking their arms.

If you ask why biography is written this way it is because the usual subjects of personal experience end up better in poetry, leaving nonfiction a wide ranging matter, as it was in Swift or Melville for example of myriads of myths ends sewn together. Black Holes esp. does this as a kind of factovi of Antarctica, journalism of speculation, current in our times, often called conspiracy theory, at least until it is exposed as being real. Of these retold myths as it were I don’t exactly take advocacy of points of view so much as play they ironically upon each other, so all the shibboleths of the intellect that are thought sacrosanct are fair game, esp. from psychology and science which are joined in a new religion among the self enlightened into a myth of uber man, as you may know. Depending on the kind of engineering you pursue there are many artifacts  need explaining. The challenge of engineering these frauds in the Otherwise was to make different styles so the editor both would accept it for publication and not catch on to the single authorship of them all, for she is obviously no dummy. Many editors these days do extensive searches to see if works are plagiarized or prepublished on blogs etc before they will accept them. I guess there is a lot of dishonest fraud going around. These re honest frauds in that they are all original writings on scientific religious subjects that either have not been aired or to wait for single authorship would take years, but we do not have years, merely days as it were things are moving so fast, spacex satellites are well on their way to circle the earth.

 Reconciliations  I am aware after preparing these essays for print that it is my own foible to want to understand every single event of importance in my life and much not important too, and this  I grind to fine powder in my reflections, but it is of little concern if any or those who I know busy with their own f=reflections to worry about the past. Of course I too have become the past. But it is of importance to me to trace and develop all these  people from who I descend, esp since they are a given, a gift for me, never sought but once given appreciated against the context of what others have been given. You should not write the life of another unless you love them and can see their obstacles from their own point of view, for if we have learned anything it is that no one admits they themselves were wrong, at least in public, but not in private either. Only in the state between sleep and wake and throughout the day in the constant  undercurrent of their thoughts do they. They never think of anything else. That is pathetic of course, but who can deny they gnaw the bones of their imperfections to the end. So our purpose here is to bring it to light and forgive. Forgive, forgive your parents, brothers and sisters, you aunts and uncles, your grandparents, forgive them all and then see how your humanity goes as far back as you like, to Jacob at the ford, to Daniel at the river, but also to Jesus on the mount of transfiguration and Calvary and at Gethsemane and all the lives before and since. We are truly all the same in this, so learn to be gentle and give up your life to love. That is what these life stories are about.

Very negative but full of faith

I am the acid that burns the plate.

The world is gross, I burn the dross

Nothing to reveal

When poetry became piracy, and fiction too, as Vida said, come strip the ancients, the Barbarians boarded multiple anthologies to violate obedience to editors, a form of piracy that civilization suffers at its end in multiple ways, as Freud says in his Discontents, and as easy to pull off in the modern days of Noah as a flood of triple, quadruple vaxxed civilization's end.  

Sjón Larsson

 Only one example of Sjón Larsson has come to light so far in To Tell the Truth, where whoever stands on a flat roof surveying the broken skin of bare spots where water pools and cracks and the scuppers drip knows it as a kind of breach. Wash the roof, patch, coat again elastomeric paint, start to finish up and down the ladder without knee operations, workouts or stretch. Over the city organic structures translate as roots from invisible plants above. With a flat roof there is nowhere to fall, but why don't they build a better pitch? He slipped on the silt from runoff some days after this and took a fall in the driving rain, fell on the right hip. He don't feel the fall itself. He felt the landing. The heel slipped and ended up in the water wet. Another time he fell against a rock with a chain saw idling in hand, so know there is a disconnect in the fall from the moment it starts from the moment it comes awake at the end. The fall is a fulcrum where the body is spun, lifted to another direction so that where the head was first pointing is reversed and to the side. This completes a neat 180 degree turn in the air and lands with what it was on top. All this of course is a metaphor for our lives and acts. I have done this consummately so one can say that if a city were to be imagined to be conscious as it lays there like me in a heap of itself, it has fallen so, but first feels embarrassed. Hoping nobody saw that, the city, history say, not looking around for spectators. When the shock wears off it dusts itself off and proceeds on its way, not knowing how bad it's hurt. This Adrenalin in the body politic of a city or state of shock and awe, ready or not they said, has a gender too. We can call it a privilege to be in one of these. Please add your own experience here. In these rises and falls the present is shadowed, is ghostly and airy with sightings of the future which arrives dressed with what we think we know, since it is costumed in the old. In this way the future that walks through the past leaves a trail. We know and feel the present but it is gone fast. We forget our memory of the present and by then it is the past. If you catch the future walking on a roof, on a slab, in the grain of tree cuts, these seem concrete events.Sjon Larsson says, in my Brain are Chambers  I wrote & painted in ages before my mortal life.  Sjón in A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, Derived termsaugsjón f (“sight”), sjónarvitni n (“the testimony of an eye-witness”), sjónarváttr m (“eye-witness”), sjónhannr (“having an expert, artistic eye”), sjónhending f (“line of sight”),sjónhenni n (“sharpness of eyesight”), skuggsjón f (“mirror”), umsjón f (“oversight, care, supervision”), undrsjón f (“a spectacle (to see)”), a vision, sight, eyesight, a glimpse, sight, seeing, a spectacle, scene, sight. I am a resident of Norway North quarantined above the 65th parallel, enjoying the shutdown with these fantasies common in our part of the world shut up with no excess of Vit D, but lots in the fish.   Called the Davvi-Norga, with the arctic birch Chaga, we follow an old tradition among the Sami of Hammerfest, on the coast of Finemarck. I work for the directorate of fisheries near Bergen and have contributed botanical exhibits to the Tromso Museum.

Rubino del Sur

 Compelling censorships overturned in five years their new designated subjects, broke the arms of myth ends sewn to expose the real. Rubino del Sur, we think, was named after Ruben Dario, the poet of Nicaragua, to assume a mouthpiece for rantings against war, Fukushima, Republican and Democrat myth, which strikes us as odd for a dentist in Antarctica, unless that was a blind too. We salvaged from the bio before it was expunged, that Del Sur left his practice in the Barrow straits after a sabbatical in Jerusalem exploring the chattel bindings, a branch of experimental dentistry that references Maquilas neck teeth of invisible servitude. He was involved with various dentitions of radioactive speech, but did not left dentistry behind.

His documented examinations of faciation zones in the Chernobyl mind emerged in the irradiated writing preceding these exposures.  A citizen of three nations, first born Argentine, made British through the Penal citizenship program at  Pentonville which provided his education in dentistry, he emerged to continue at York and Sussex U’s in jaw formation of hybrid and synthetic speech. Such degrees he practiced thereafter in the Eau Claire Mayo, the Paracelsus Clinic at Denai, and Fukushima Prefecture. He served in capacities in the States where his offenses were less known and so became a U.S. citizen from corporate status, being his third passport, needed to train, and embarked to his present location at McMurdo Station in Antarctica, which he combines all the above on a contract basis. His present post in Antarctica at an undisclosed location of the Trans- Antarctic mountains divides east and west, the Leverett Glacier of the Queen Mauds planned route for overland supply joining McMurdo and Amundsen-Scott Stations.  Such work is conducted far from the observed eye.

Removals in the dental cosmos of the invisible chattels are well represented in the innocent teeth-mountains of culpable agencies not to be named. Dr.  del Sur is also a palantirologist of soccer. His alternate is Rubion del Sure. He has contributed to the Roden Crater. His alternate there is Rubion del Surte. Now based with the Antarctica-Dentition Research Team at McMurdo, when not in transit to Palmer, Amundsen-Scott or other documented faciation zones, he examines the examination of Orcprothangon evolutionary trends of Dentition in Oraclar Emarginated Subclades, ongoing. He writes to our editors,  "I’m sure you were hoping I’d come to my senses and, good news, it is a bright cheerful morning here and I have, so please disregard the delusions I sent last night. I hope to be in contact with you again. Rubino del Sure. He combines all the above on a contract basis. Del Sur escaped to Antarctica sometime during the last cycle which explains this retrospective. He flew with Kerry, but is now reapplying for immigrant status. He continues as a Palantir of futbole. 

We have to account for Dr. Rubino's vagaries of employment in remote places in the recognition of a speckled heritage which he may seek to live down. --Rubino, is a village and city that bears his name and became a place of pilgrimage (mausoleum of Rubino). which bears the name of the French colonel executed in 1910 on this same place, and which became since January 1 , 2002 a large commune of the department Agnéby 1 and always a sub-prefecture in the department of Agboville in Agnéby-Tiassa region in Côte d'Ivoire in West Africa The city of Rubino bears the name of a French colonel and, moreover, employee of the French West African Company (CFAO), massacred by an unprecedented mode of operation during the revolt of Abés in 1910 and his tomb became a great memory historical and touristic place, is open to the public 116 years later. During the colonization of Côte d'Ivoire by France , the resistance of the Abbey to French settlers from 1905 to 1918 with peak the year 1910 5 was the fiercest, especially because of the layout of the railway Abidjan - Niger . It was in this city that Colonel Rubino, a French employee of the French West African Company (CFAO), was murdered by the villagers during the Abés revolt in 1910. 2 3 To demonstrate their anger against the recurring raids of the settlers, the villagers cooked his body and made the settlers eat the dish. The city bears his name and became a place of pilgrimage (mausoleum of Rubino). Rubino had a fiction at TeaHouse about Grendel the nasty inscribing on the gunnels of the boat at Sutton Hoo his own lineage, but happily for English heritage somebody said something at  Queen Moab and they closed the whole Sheboygan down, to put it right, so literature will not yet bear this tale.

Augusto Todoele

 Another of these Barbary pirate poets who boarded under false flag was named Augusto Todoele after the first translation of the English Bible version of Luke of that name plunder in the Lindisfarne. He published a more scholarly sort of Reformist concern, crypto science and ancient biology. Todoele is a synonym for a clandestine plundering of the 8th century Latin texts translated into Anglo Saxon, with sources and origins much older. We call him a synonym because the idea of a pseudonym does not suit his desire to here address the hard matters of the oppressed earth. The fact of this identity and others which he uses to publish the multiple facets of his mind in the spirit have to be left obscure at this time because he is still using them. Editors are reluctant to publish more than one piece by an author at any given time, but using this technique he has placed five different writings in the same issue more than once. Bully? No, just a sad commentary of the paucity of the time and the absence of truth that this could pass and also that rampant censorship would require such tactics.

The name Todoele, plundering the plunderer, began with a name taken from a phrase in first translation of the Gospel of Luke (11.22) into English, that states, "Alla woepeno his ᵹenimeð ...; reafo his todaelde" (OED). Frowde's text of 1893 renders it "todjelfi his h^rereaf." As this is also the  "todælþ his here-reaf" of Wycliffe (c. 1380) where  "when a stronger than he cometh apon hym and overcommeth hym, he taketh from him his harnes, wherein he trusted, and devideth his gooddes," this summarizes the warfare against all principalities and powers.  In Tyndale (c. 1500) the whole  reads, "Sothli if a strongere comynge  above overcome him, he schal tak a wey alle his armeris, in which he tristide, and schal dele abrood his spuylis" as in the Dante Malebolge. In plundering this plunderer, a priority of the patented Todoele Order, to  "dele abrood" of his spuylis and "devideth" his gooddes, the original Lindisfarne text with painted with interlaced geometric animals and birds, which animals and birds likewise represent the four living creatures "full of eyes in front and behind," who praise God forever before His throne, and hold "golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." This praise is the sole intent of the author.

The last plates of Blake's Jerusalem the “Four Living Creatures” (98:24, 42) frame a celebration of resurrection in which everything—animal, vegetable, mineral—becomes individuated living being that appears united in the “One Man” (98:39) of Ezekiel’s vision… who vows to destroy the tyrannous “Cherub” appearing, like the Cherubim itself, as a man “midst of the stones of fire” (Ezekiel. 28. 16). This satanic being in Jerusalem is the “Selfhood” and the Spectre of self-doubt, the destroyer of brotherhood and prophetic faith masquerading as the true Cherubim (89: 10; 96:8). The Lamb worshipped in opposition to this enemy and avenger throughout Isaiah, Ezekiel, John and Revelation is "Worthy  to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" (Revelation 5:11-12), which warfare has this to say of itself, "that he that is entered into His rest has ceased from his own works, as the Father did from His" (Hebrews 4.10).

See in the Palace Green Library a list of the bishops of Lindisfarne, Chester-le-Street & Durham continuously updated for centuries! These studies no longer are exclusively of Lindisfarne, the contemplative now speak of the manipulation of the mind by eidolia which fell, meaning the angelic civilizations, and this investigation began in the 8th century Latin texts translated into Anglo Saxon from which the writer takes his name, which again is from Luke 11.22, to plunder the plunderer, to  "todælþ his here-reaf."Todoele says of himself, "I test the premise of a word. Of simultaneous reference that evokes all being, hope and dream of a world, not separate from that which searches and knows. As if one had outlived the knowledge of himself and just under the surface waiting to be awakened would forget  so much and emerge.

 So here in a moment I give my obituary Obit

AE Reiff is a writer of a half century of fiction, poetry and history. The fiction ranged from short lyrical satires started about 2005 to longer excursions of articles of a sort of fictional journalism, philosophical discussions of a deliberate sort to celebrate the rational observation of language and the mind observing itself. Longer stories of the colonies on Mercury and remote geographical locations inhabited with myth ruled these worlds. Gatherings of the poetry, sometimes satiric, sometimes lyrical, most significantly praise Jesus and the worship of God. His life was measurably increased by adherence to the promises of the Psalms, Isaiah, a pervasive study of the whole scripture, and his wife, Eden, whose immense succor and partnership spanned their lives together.

He pursued these these extremities as soon as his life was activated at 17 in a supernatural encounter with this Lord of Heaven and earth, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the summer he graduated high school. He enrolled at the Philadelphia College of Bible nights and pursued activities of evangelism and informal biblical education while he attended Drexel Institute during day. These courses entwined in his work as internal auditor for American Viscose Corp.,  auditing plants in Marcus Hook, Lewistown, Meadville, PA and Parkersburg W. VA, presenting him an understanding of industry and workers, furthered the next year when was granted a position without pay as an accountant with the Latin America Mission in San Jose, Costa Rica, also enrolling in the Seminario there and first encountering those Germanic doubts upon scripture and the life of the Lord in Schweitzer, Niebuhr, Bultmann etc., and engaging the principles of liberation theology. Many impressions of society and humanity were deepened there, of which he wrote extensively, both theologically and in the trying of the spirits. 

His first fiction occurred in Puntarenas that began a long line joining myth and real, then called Expressway to the Prickly Pear. He returned to Philadelphia to finish a degree of Industrial Management, but prepared for grad work in literature at the University of Iowa, encountering some of the most profound thinkers of the day at the top of their games. With an M.A. he became an instructor of English at Fayette State College in Fayetteville, NC, the first of two black colleges where he taught. At the death of Dr. King and arrival of black nationalism he enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin in linguistics, but completed a doctorate in lit. Instead of pursuing academic employment, he became horticulturist at the College of Pharmacy Experimental Drug and Herb Garden, while he also worked for the Clayton Foundation of Biochemical Research, at which time he married his Eden, a botanist and a Magister Artibus from the University of Wales as they together begot their first child.

She graduated from Southwestern Med School in while he taught at Bishop College concluding with the rank of associate professor. They moved to Phoenix with now their second child in tow while Eden completed her board certified residency in Family Practice,  moonlighting weekends at the Grand Canyon clinic and other outposts of rural areas. After the birth of their third child, she was chosen to staff an office donated to the hospital, but later acquired it as her own, now decades since. He moved that practice to another building in 1993 so the address changed but not particular kind of medical counsel and intervention offered.

 His aggregated research of the genealogical fore-bearers of his father's family, who lived in the Skippack PA from the early eighteenth century engage a colorful pre-revolutionary society of Philadelphia issued online with editions and letters of several of those radicals, along with investigations of fraktur and the translated letters of Bishop Andrew Mackillustrating the spirit of the visionary leadership of Mennonites throughout those years.

He schooled his sons in competitive tennis took them to tournaments over the southwest and to compete in the highest flights of national competitions. Both subsequently played the #1 position on their college teams. When they began their own lives and families he began a ten year exploration of ceramic sculpture, called Forms of the Formless Ceramic making original forms from an aesthetic of accident and layers of lamination

This latter period began alternate voices of fiction crying of the human spirit in the eponymous narrative of an anonymous Everyman.  So Dr. Rubino del Sur, a dentist in Antarctica, Augusto Todoele, translator of 8th century Latin texts into Anglo-Saxon,  Sjon Larsson, of Hammerfest on the  Finemarck coast who works for the directorate of fisheries near Bergenof,  Jon Rousseau, parking lot attendant and critic of assassination, and Chas Erb of Houston joined Dyan Effir as mouth pieces reporting literatures of fact as had once occurred in Bolshevik society in the 1920's. To defeat censorship revisited in the new censorship of the democratic Bolshevik societies of 2020, completing that era of one hundred years of censorship where the fakta of a continent and an age apart were adapted to this  new order. The formalist theories of faktovivi tend to bypass algorithmic controls and can code hidden propitiatory examinations if understood. Its first priority remains accentuated real material gathered either first hand or culled from documentary sources. A wealth of online readers engaged the speculative fakta blogs, composed live, that he also operated as an actor performing on stage with no script. So he outlived the knowledge of himself, as if all these things lay just under the surface waiting to be awakened when we finally forget ourselves so much that we are not conscious.

 In the end of writing, as far as it goes. Break In New Jerusalem turns out to be the last, coinciding  with re-signing a ceramics contract. Some things still left in the pipe, with others that need furbishing, plus circulation of manuscripts of all kinds, many, but withal, no fresh work, it has all been said, which happened with ceramics two years ago, after making eight cement blocks in a row, then nada. Break In turns out to be the last story ever written, coinciding yesterday with re-signing a ceramics contract for next year. These things can't be staged. Who knows where they go. Since the effort to clear the decks began some years ago every means possible was used, including many pseudonyms from "Shakespeare"  (code) that allowed multiple pieces to appear in the same volume, over and over, including those with my own name. 


I can't remember and now have to count them up, what the end of writing looks like, all those characters going by with their names made up out of nowhere for fun. Four of them had biographies too, and even bibliographies at, in a rush to be done, just like the visitation of covid in the early days came in three phases and the last, when all was known that ever could or would be known, in April 2020, was even before the news science matters baubles had begun. Pseudonymns are a form of piratry in tune with the pirates of every shibboleth of civilization, science and art. I was only doing to them before they did it to me.  It's always like this before the end and the new beginning starts, much chicanery, and it's so easy to pull off because the everybody is the same as they were, just tryin' to get ahead, not rock the boat, but now the die off has begun, the vax is on billboards and fee-wagen signs right out of Nazi land, that 's the end of writing. of course thee end is not the end, already some more starts, but it's old hat stuff, words in the mouth of the past. so to count them up here goes:

Meantime here in the history of our time you want to know the travail the life that has been given us soon taken, for who shall thou say,  where are the store house and barns of grain, mutual funds, lands and men. Every people lands and men shall look on whom they jpierced, irate behold rejected come, neighbors and saints judge all earth. The church run business men who love the world live to whom the word would speak is before its face from day to day. The business allegiance of another, the boss, the corp, the untold other, the military, his command, the congress caucus, and Alexa smile, all corrupt there is none good, not one, not to speak of education, religion, art with those exceptions noticed of characters not like them. John the Baptist, Ezekiel, who lay on his left side and then his right, and Hosea and Samuel and Moses who struck the rock. They  barely make a pledge of funds, but not words. All the world that’s true comes by word, all we know is the word to live and love the Walking Word that calls. I revoke my epitaph.

The first fiction I ever circulated, Expressway to the Prickly Pear, an allegorical treatment of the life and death of JFK, written in  Puntarenous Costa Rica about March 1963, I sent to the New Yorker with no return postage under the pseudonym, Simon Reale. They kept it  six months and mailed it back two weeks before the assassination. If published I'd not be an outlier. He was followed by Eagin Arthur who had a story, Heavenly Agencies, in the first Fiction Review RW Spryszak took over and turned into Thrice, where I appeared in the last two issues. Singletons, first and last.


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