Dove descending interior old Augustus Lutheran Church Sanctuary, founded by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, c. 1743 Providence (Trappe) PA, 18 Sept 2012.

01 January 2022

Break In New Jerusalem @ Otherwise Engaged Volume 8

Break In New Jerusalem. Revelation Colonists, Nations and Angels Surrounding, an excerpt, "Apprehending the Real was the slogan of Mayor Herzog’s campaign who fancied himself a Napoleon of spirit and had sure opinions on sea bottoms, mountaintops. He once floated the Yangtze in that great day of excursion with Barry Lopez.  In order to get to the holy city you have to pass through these crowds of neighbors. Law and order sprang up just from the natural tendency of some to push forward while others stay back. From these pushers emerged the Congress of the Righteous who deemed one from among them a chosen Mayor. The first of that time was the myth master Werner Herzog. He took charge of what commerce had grown up around, paraded to sound of boom boxes that played his mood song, the end of coyote song sung by Don Edwards, hoo yip hoo yip hoo, hoodi hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo, hoo yip hoo yip hoo, hoo di hoo di yip hoo di yip hoo. The guru of Maru he was called."

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