I had ten pages in the previous Stimulus Space Colony, titled A House in the Colony. Morning Star, here, was in print but not online from O/W Engaged 11, II, my last to show in the many sided exhibitions there. I did not remember Morning was booked at this Stimulus until now. Morning Star concerns the commune near Taos, the people there, the soil, the etheric relation in the Kiva, subsequent memories and corrections laid bare, all of which derive from Bob Northcott whose obit is now entered into public view. https://insightstatutes.blogspot.com/2024/07/bob-northcott.html
AE Reiff: Encouragements For Planting
Encouragements for Such as Shall Have Intention to be Undertakers in the Planting.
24 February 2025
Morning Star @ Stimulus Respond. Vesper 14 Jan 2025
01 February 2025
A Translation of the New Philadelphia, A Review
The cover features the fantastical scene of a mythological beast with a ship in the background from the French edition of Jonathan Swift's Tale of a Tub. The tub here, symbolizing exploration of the unknown, blending real with mythical, the title in its sails, so to speak, implies a transformation of historical & cultural elements of a perhaps mystical Philadelphia, with an influence from more than Swift of European that embodies myth and philosophy to explore this Philadelphia as a metaphor for any civilization at a crossroads of either salvation or damnation. It could be suggested that salvation requires a "translation," a reinterpretation of current realities, histories, and myths.
In this internal journey of the soul "New Philadelphia" there is a strong theme of dualism and interplay between opposites - high and low, taken and left, literal and metaphorical, seen also in the contrast between "higher" and "lower mind." Another duality of Identity and Anonymity uses terms like "Everyman" and the process of naming or not naming characters ("He has no name unless we give him one") to explore the collective versus individual consciousness.
"New Philadelphia" could symbolize a new state of existence or understanding of the idea of personal and societal transformation in either a utopian or dystopian vision of society. There are hints of a critique of modern societal constructs, technologies (electro-magnetic), and governance, suggesting a world where the physical and metaphysical collide in mentions of mythical creatures like Leviathan and Behemoth. There's an implication of a deeper, often hidden, truth in disastrous or confusing outcomes of biblical stories involving eschatological visions like Noah's flood, Lot and Sodom, Leviathan, and the Book of Revelation). Phrases like "the days of new Noah" and "the flood came or when the fire fell on Sodom" evoke a sense of judgment and transformation.
Unified in a language dense
with symbols and metaphors terms like
"seraph" (meaning "burning one") and "Leviathan" are not just literal
but are used to convey complex ideas about power. Multiple literary, historical, and
religious references create a familiarity where thoughts flow to provoke reflection, and
perhaps even spiritual or intellectual awakening in the reader. "A
Translation of the New Philadelphia" of deeply symbolic and metaphorical
text is rich with biblical references, apocalyptic imagery, and
philosophical musings.. Perhaps a glossary is in the
offing. The writing style creates a sense of urgency and immediacy.
29 January 2025
Dave Cacher and Goldipop @ Horseshoe Journal IIii, Newfoundland
06 January 2025
Selected Works
Three Essays (1966)
A Calendar of Poems (1973)
Restorations of the Golden Age (1975)
Taliesin and the Summer Stars (1980)
Native Texans (1984)
A Poetical Reading of the Psalms of David 1-41 (1985)
PL3:HSTBIS. Planet Three: Help Send This Book Into Space (1986)
Waldo Hippo Possum Added by BOTH HORSE AND RIDER
The Severed Head: Starchitecture Tales Fro Faerie Gromets.Added by BOTH HORSE AND RIDER
Building Transhuman Immortals (2012) Both Horse and Rider
Some Days into the (implicit, [or] enforced) Moratorium, a small foci on the left parietal cortex, which is a lot like these versions of which the original file does not exist and the memory of the hundred versions of it (literally) don't either. The versions do however so they display periodically as we do our affections. So fiction is like life.
The current version as of 9/18/13 is that of 3/4/12, which looks like the very last before the crash. The opening segment, which appeared as Hybrid Beastiary, but without the links active and the pics, has been beviewed some 2500 times at Red Fez. Other parts have apparently appeared too. FLASH!!! LOST DOCUMENT OF 4 MARCH RECOVERED 9 June! Unbelievable! No more can be added to the 107 total versions as the file is gone. #75 showing now, the 172 page "long" version. In the beginning this was BUILDING TRANSHUMAN IMMORTALS revised. It got revised a hundred times, but eventually two electronic interfaces disagreed and it entered the hole. Somewhere it existed who can now doubt. Of the hundred not one remained in the world.
Then OPIOMES was formed of its chaos, Visions of the Starchitect, Ishtar Hotel in its first reel. It blames Coleridge. Then TROJAN HORSE (now HistoPossum) formed of the spit. Poseidon, out of the dread locks of Medusa, like the Trojan, like Pegasus, made horses, but still retained her SEVERED HEAD. This is as ghastly as true. Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor formed just at that moment when Perseus severed it. Then the immigrant Kurk Wold docked his Batcave Neptune Mobile in Denver, home of the Broncos and Mustang Sally. So these two versions, Trojan Horse (HistoPossum) and Opiomes, were once one. One became two out of chaos, and now there are three. Would that Raja Rao had lived to hear it.
Myth becoming fact might be fun, surrealism absurd, but for Dean Swift rowing down the Thames. I don&t mind if you take the severed head as a parable of particle physics, of the failure of the standard model to describe 4-space time entering 3-space, or, "energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared!" Then the empty space...in place the empty head. A parable of particle physics! Napont Wilmington!
To interpret we don’t think they are pursuing particle physics in this. The paradigm of the Standard Model is incomplete if not false, flat space time but not curved. So while they pursue the half speed LHC pipe dream of Higgs, the thinking is skewed, as if it were being done to them, not by them, and they deny the existence of the longitudinal wave. To anybody who persevered through this process maybe the title isn't quite set, Kurk Wold Letters, oops, fauxnonfic, Cartoon at the End of the World, Ishtar Hotel, Starchitect, but after a hundred visions and revisions three times this much exists in other states, hidden on the internet! 49 pages
Waldo Hippo Possum. (2015) Both Horse and Rider
last draft of 5/31/14 - 2/10/15 now showing. Previously displaying was
the very first draft of years ago. This work in HistoPossum, Opiomes and
Severed Head must be taken in the same sense as the bridges in the Ring
of Saturn's Rag picking History, Grandville’s 1844 book Un autre monde,
celebrated by Walter Benjamin, and Kafka's so called mistaken bridge
from New York to Boston in Amerika.
These become examples or
types of the bridge put up in the Encouragements index, to take as one
what is many, celebrated in later work of 2019 by that name. Editors
(Max Brod) thought they had to correct Kafka. That is, these writings
are all rag pickings, collectibles, and faux to make iron look like
wood, or wood iron. Oh would you turn it to gold! Shut up thou Lethe
sunk. I'm interested in finishes but am not much of a philosopher. There
are bridges in space, but mine are bridges of time, which I feel
preoccupied to display because they consume my meditations, time
from...to.., you see I dare not say it, it sounds so absurd. Naivete is
the calling card. A low light on the horizon rising.
You will
also note my Ishtar Hotel is deviously Kafka's Occidental Hotel amped
like K's Statue of Liberty with "the arm with the sword now reached
aloft". They need to be apologized for but aren't. No doubt here comes
someone to restore the text, add coherence, defeat montage, refuse the
half-concealed dream of citations, torsos, data base, data base. I
sought my analyst, but found she was everything I was not.
31 May 14 Tightened p. 78 to the end 30
14 It's a shame that E Pluribus Unum is pagan, but it doesn't say
"Gather Together In One All Things In The Messiah, both in heaven and on
earth in Him." Dozens of Americans grope toward their seclorum
millennial end, but it is not of the Son of Psalm 2, Kiss the Son whose
kingdom is set upon the holy hill. It sounds more like Hosea 13.2, the
work of craftsmen where the sacrificers of men kiss the calves. Calf
kissing and human sacrifice is being pursued downtown in the kidney at
The Severed Head and the Ishtar Hotel.
22 Dec 13 How could anybody penetrate this chaos. Some slight improvements entered today.
July 13 Tramp Wine sounds like something made under bridges from
sterno. I can't say it's not, I can't say it is. It came from seeing the
leaves spell out letters on the walk so to speak, spelling words we
can't bear to hear, so I was out tramping them down to obscure them, but
then, won't you know, the sea did the same with the sand. That's my
Tramp Wine.
28 June These forces in history are called HistoPossum, because they play dead but are very much alive.
21 Feb If you can see an effect you can reason its significance
15 Jan 13 This take is for any Gobbets who might have wandered off the nipple.
8 Jan 13
Anybody, This could be a journal of a letter, not to confuse. Other
sources are forthcoming, but hopefully not here. You have been patient
enough, if you have been at all. This is the way of it. It is why The
Third Policeman never got out. But there was no Scribd then. Alors.
Nov 2012 This Version organized to welcome the Charles Bowden
brain-beheaded world, Hopefully the narrative will survive. His other
absurd monograph, Opiomes, facetiously argues the America nation given
to Iraq (meaning Babylon) at the Obama inauguration in Denver, in
architectural icons designed as a gigantic (st)age and genre of super
events. Buildings and art culminate in the arrival of super mensch. Wold
says genetic art, science, weather manipulation, chemtrails on postage
stamps, unspeakable government experiments,psychological manipulations
hold prisoner these institutions. Wold was held twice, escaped thrice.
This exploration of the underworld and iconic Altar frieze of
Gigantomachy are prima facie evidence to him of the giant arms. It is as
if the successor to William Burroughs were Hunter Thompson and to
Tho... 94 pages
Opiomes - Both Horse and Rider
"from the arched roof Pendant by subtle Magic many a row Of Starry Lamps and blazing Cresents fed With Naphtha and Asphaltus yielded light As from a sky. PL I, 726f 17 Apr 14 A miniature of this was issued on Red Fez recently which jokes that the classics and movies are the two greatest sources of the news. Since then more elements of starchitecture have been revealed and a primer of countdowns to the Day is in the works. Meantime clues are given at the Encouragements entry announcing the Red Fez article. Other more finished papers of Kurk Wold, black scientist, are on Scribd too, but the rough notes, exhaustive in their way, and sometimes mystifying, are posted on a blog site edited by AE Reiff entitled http://insightstatutes.blogspot.com/. Everyboy's afraid of this stuff. But I didn't invent it. I'm just reporting the literature. 1 May '13 New version reflects work at Insight Statutes exemplified in Training Hege @ Cafe Irreal.
29 December 2024
One Poem @ Lothorien Poetry Journal
"Thankye for sending me this outstanding poem. It is a pleasure to read and step inside your beautifully crafted work and I have now published your sublime poem Alms Book on the LPJ Blog. I love your originality of voice, subject, language, the internal atmospheres and imagery in place and time in this poem and look forward to reading and considering more of your fascinating work AE." Strider, Here
11 November 2024
Catalog 7 of The Avatar Bookstore, on Radio Dec O8 2024

10 November 2024
A Look at the Vision of Some of these Works
The future beyond this core vision occurs in A Translation of the New Philadelphia Principalities and Powers of Centaurs and Rhinoceroses thrown in. This occurs as a scroll the prophet Jeremiah threw in the Euphrates River. Fairy Tale Politics explains some of these events with the absurdity that Apollinaire preferred over supernaturalism.
If you are one of those who long for prosaic accounts of real events then The Fall of Evangelicalism and the Latin America Mission is for you, which presents particular effects of liberation theology in Central America. Austin, recounts the theory of teaching this author employed in freshman composition classes at three colleges and universities and an account of the great natural beauty of Austin at the beginning of the Edwards Plateau from atop the Balcones Fault, with a social history as well, not now maybe what it then was, but tokens remain. Libby is the biography of a Mennonite curmudgeon, artist, woman and archivist of a family of Mennonites from the very beginning of Philadelphia with much local history applied.
Works of prose from a poet prove poetry a higher and more deciding expression. To glimpse the latest, Airy is a full color accompaniment of the state of innocence as an Ameryca of children. It is the beginning of imaginative vision and represents the poetic first issued in A Calendar of Poems (Austin, 1974). The True Light That Lights with Glossary and Notes presents stanza forms of this imagination. First issued by Parousia (2020), reissued by Histericks (2024), since poetry can express beauty and truth together, it answers the dire presentations of the prose above. Voluntude (Grand Canal Flyway, 2023) is like it.
These represent about half of the work nascent and in progress. As always, and as at the end of those first blogs, I say to the many who have viewed this work, you immensely dignify these proceedings with your presence. May the Lord lift up his face to you.
08 November 2024
Portfolio @ Emanations 11
Emanations 11 409-416. These are b/w here but the originals, except the first are arcylics in color.
American Eclipse
At the Door
07 November 2024
AIRY. Vision of the Life of a Child
Full page color illustrations of all the poems that addressed the birth of Ameryca first appearing in A Calendar of Poems (1974), stored in the E.O.N. archive in Viareggio with all the books that were part of the Utopian Library assembled by Vittore Barone, there conserved, now selected and embedded within these drawings a child left on the floor, dabbling at five.
Collected, they were put through many changes and filters now mostly forgot, then reproduced the old way of color Zerox on thick rag paper two decades ago at least. The idea was to publish them on a hand press, much in way it was desired to publish a Blake comic book too, which never materialized. I chose one member of my committee in 1974 solely on the basis of using that as pretext to borrow and copy his entire collection of Blake slides for this purpose too. Having no means however beyond this, the title that became Airy, but was in the file Momma Noture's Newfound Country Runes,was put away, but files magnified digitally to 4800 dpi by the once upon a time photographer assistant at Phoenix College who then had access to advance equipment, whose name in the course of events named and unnamed resembles this title, until it now emerges, after the skills necessary to Indie pub on KDP, matured to the point where these poems, but more this idea of the child, can be issued, after many efforts, in finest format. The original preferred format was 81/2 by 11 to show the colors best, but this had to be adjusted to 7X10 for the reqs as the next largest format that could achieve distribution. This vision of the child long held from that first impression on Mount Airy and when the Songs of Innocence were first encountered in the Geoffrey Hartman Romantics lectures attended, began to form this way as a chorus of lyrics of this bestiary formed to show the walk toward the flowering heart, taken as the the primal philosophy of the people the author was born to in the Germantown neighborhood of Mount Airy. Roethke, Open House, D H Lawrence, Birds, Beasts and Flowers, Ted Hughes, Remains of Elmet, among many have entered into this cerebration of the natural and the human. This one preoccupies with the incarnation of the child and has a realized place now in the various collections of similar efforts in various published and ms. form. Baby, sent at first acquaintance to Rachel Kendall at the birth of her child was the first effort to appear online before Little Bird Pecking, illustrated, in Fish Food. Flowering Heart was in the TQ in 74, courtesy of my director, T. M. Cranfill. These are the innocents, seen even in the Pig's Song and Snake, but now there means to be collected the more satirical poems, still lyrical, which obviously comes due with the timing of it all, these being issued for publication 2 Nov. right before the 2024 election of Donald Trump, but not actually cleared by the publisher until 7 Nov., after that election by acclamation. The volume that must follow had already been titled long ago as poems of America, the i and not the y, labeled at Mannequin Haus 12 in 2018 as A Vocabulary of the Opposite in the fashion of American history of this time cast, recasting in prose form the nursery rhyme folk tales mined from A Calendar. This vision is life long long held. The next effort, written from that old sheep ranch outside Austin inhabited in those days
heretofore will be:
Plain texts of Flowering Heart were in The Texas Quarterly, and Solar Dithyrambs at Ink Pantry. Little Bird Pecking illustrated was at Fish Food Mag. 29 Sept 2019 now only at FB https://www.facebook.com/fishfoodmag/ The illustrations are all the work of one Lily, left to be collected as found, then worked to their present state. All the poems were in the first issue of A Calendar of Poems (Austin, 1973).The simplest of lyrics asks questions we can't answer, like you have a knot in your brain. What ever could that mean? A list could be started with memory at the top, for were we to remember we might know how we got from where we were to where we are. It's involved with window panes. Some kind of see through action. It's softer than wood. Which leaves room for countless organics. The best part is the little bird itself which you see is heavily imagist free writing, or so it seems, until the strands weave a greater whole. What is it. Indeed what is it? The density and gravity of these long sentences is in one sense a capitulation to the inability to deliver the message that these events are occurring. This because of the anesthetic applied from all sources added to the ordinary human self interest, not to speak of the distractions and misinformation.
This woodpecker needs some soup. It's all in the brain.
First Premise,
the knot/not in the brain. Suppose the not of the knot, for there is a
not in a knot, has to do with the denial, but it is belief of a certain
kind, which cannot be anything but the way the child sees. Have you
heard of the contraction of vision in the adult. Is it the hand held?
Two things here are the not/knot and your brain. Does it sound like the pineal flows need to be loosed, dissolved. Are you a not? knot? Let's see.
Second Premise: the knot is softer than window panes. A see through knot/not flesh, not silicone. Silicone is the new form of body to inhaited by the jokees of Venter, Bezos and Musk tied up in their brains so they can live forever. Ho ho. Back to the brain, See though glass, looking glass, has to do with what we see, which is really what we think because if we don't think it we deny it seeing. Yes Dorothy, here is visual.
Third Premise, it's softer than wood, which if it's softer than window panes and softer wood is a progression of softers. Wood is living, but glass never was. When wood dies it at least can burn. Inorganic/organic, this ecology of the bird prefers the wood. Who doesn't prefer life is no longer obvious because of the tampering. Birdy wants to peck it out, so prefers the wood to glass, but it really really wants to peck the brain. Do you feel like the bird loves, wants to do you this favor? The only why to find out will have to tune in to the gorgeous outlook of the Fish Food website, now defunct.
21 September 2024
Gift to the Wedding
17 July 2024
Banquo's Safe
02 July 2024
Grand Canyon Evening. Catalogue 7 of The Avatar Bookstore @ Antipodean SF 309
The new catalogue of Avatar Books just online makes available what we celebrate as the Grand Canyon. here
27 June 2024
Urk to be narrated at Antipodean SF Radio Show 14 July 2024 from Antipodean SF Issue 300, September2023
Beira - July 14, 2024
By AE Reiff
Shorthand for Oracle, Urk, dressed as fine as anybody, but better, brighter, more successful, more beautiful to flaunt the Wahoo power to interrupt our brains and project the beauty mask. What they really were we forego in the effigies of every nation, but these are the beings that run the world.
New Science permits the supernaturalism of headboarded elongated skulls. Americans dug up remains left by the Germans in Iraq. Cloned an ORC lately? Better to say the Oracle taught itself the means to know. This applied from the Latin of Apollo temples and Delphi omachines, gnōthi seauton. “Au” as in know thy “ouch!”
You want to hear about a real oracle? Oracles were a blank screen which built the architecture of primitive origins that Urk explores. We like to call him Ork or Orc, but sometimes Ook. The Oracle sold itself the value of this telepathy and took external attachments to produce it. AS FAR AS THE ORCS GO THIS DESICCATION WAS INDUCED to improve the dissemination of radar gaps, antennas in the general pop. There must be a special place for taking metaphor seriously in the transverse sinus.
Orc took that pyromancy that ancient kings who inquire of the "bones" an unforeseen step further. It Oracled itself. Applying a hot iron to a shell and reading the cracks from a handbook was the normal process, but Orcs cracked themselves, that is their shells. Shell here is the way to picture spirit, which usually can’t be seen since headboarding is psychological. Once the shell was cracked and the Orc was naked, a webwork of a white mottle appeared — but after divination Orc had nowhere to return to, hence all the shell burst we refer to in the desert as heat lightning. We can only plummet this by reference to the unsaid of the said. Orc took divination a step beyond the natural which the prophet has allowed us to understand even if we can't see, for whatever their spirits donned for the interim of their lives, they were loosed by fire.
01 May 2024
The True Light That Lights with Additional poems and a Glossary @ Histericks
This new edition adds six additional poems and a glossary by request. here
Note the salvation of the world as a weather phenomenon--Starry seas caught up into clouds is a measure of the bright extensive will, that whirls earth sphere throughout all time. THESE WEATHER MODIFICATIONS SYMBOLIC OF ThIS SONNET.
23 April 2024
Myth Politic: Ongoing Reports of the Extinct Red Fez Empire
This was likely to be followed by a report of Mythic Physics. The publisher had a proof of Mythical Madmen in the Physics of Rune
Floberghagen - Translated from the Covid but Amazon would not upload it, perhaps from the name in the title. Myth Politic itself was mostly withdrawn and replaced by the title, Fairy Tale Politics, still prophetic moments when literature presaged political events along with analysis of myth paradigms projected into memes of unconscious public awareness as a tacit approval of their existence.Publishers also have manuscripts in various states. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1961710218?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
19 April 2024
Landing Bruppbacher @ CulturCult Anthology Creatures of Habit
If you will free your mind from the logical and three dimensional for a moment, several poderent asses, moiderent asses, made a train across the bridge of this immaterial. The asses could speak and held a dialogue among themselves about the trek, which was fitting because all the other traffic was motorized. The last entry in Volume II, 206-216, a coda perhaps, or the place where you put anything you can't fit. What's the romance? You tell the world. Here
26 February 2024
Czech tour @ Chasing Sunsets : An Anthology of Travel Memories
A reprint of the elimae piece of 2006 at Chasing Sunsets 2024, 41-52, viewed with the illustrations submitted with the piece not printed. here
Elbogen cannonball garden.
05 December 2023
Fifty Years in the Church of Poems
"To live well and write about it in whining poetry." Sir Philip Sidney. Apology for Poetry.
if we call this instead of Calender, Church, it is a bow to Fr. Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, where he includes among this half century the assassination of Lincoln. Since I have done JFk, why not include his Fifty. Since I also have done 50 years beyond the subterranean basement of them all. I did my wife about it too, for she and I have done 50 years in the institute of our own.This is an exercise in time travel and harpazos, callings out. If there is a premise that for all life to be worth something, one life must, then to document one life, or make the effort to, can justify the whole according to this, even recognizing that every life must also be unique. It is in those aspects of the unique that they all gain value.
There is also a belief that older people are conservative, maybe, but not in their memories and thoughts. What do they have to lose? So why not speak, even if imprudently, rashly. There is an experience of years behind it. What happens in understanding the result of our lives fifty years from now when the acts and passions of the 20s are 80? What happens to the rationalization of motives? What were they anyway, the passions, the people? What happened to them, to wake up to find them gone, leaving legacy and memory and obituaries and that the landscape once inhabited unrecognizable, the spirit of the times dead too, the roads, the tools by which people made their lives, books for example, like this one, poems about life in America, 1973-2023, and Austin c. 1968- 1980.
If nobody minds and I don't see it matters if they do, the substance of these poems reflects the place. It was on top the bare limestone rock of the Balcones Fault on this old sheep ranch in the wind and rain, land and birds, scorpions and septic tanks, sheep and heat and a hundred airs lying in a hammock between oleanders that the essence of this vision of America/Ameryca and nature formed, that these poems began. The trappers of dogs and gunfire on Hungry Hill and old stills echoed the Chartiers in habitation, rocks, slag, runoffs, but the massive flights of migrating birds, robins by the ten thousands in Feb and the smell of wild cedar made the place. As Levinas says, the place becomes the face, in poetry, not what I am, none of us know what we are, whether faithful or not, rescued from death to life still being done, which taken at its highest means lives hid with Christ in God, which has to be said to account for the unveiling that unfolds.
It's important to be born into a good family, recognizing good as in the eye of the beholder and what one thinks good another will not. So better to say it's important to make your idea of family good and increase from there. I hardly remembered that this was called America 2000, a presage of the millennial end of all the overpopulation and climate syndromes, race and tyranny, commercialism and war that the actions of the secret agencies would foster. People believed that Crosby Stills Nash Young Zappa Morrison and Beatles had integrity in search of the higher life, not that they were government implants to prepare an emotional program to mass build the collective. It is a record too of how much i believed of any of the programming and if that was believed then presents the question, what do I believe today?
These poems reach their fifty years forward from 1973 to 2023. Some stem from previous stints in Fayettenam, The Dog in Hay Street, or Asphalt Goose, others before that in central America, To Roosevelt, and in between in sojourn in Iowa city, corpses. Working on the Univ paint crew summers one day gave occassion to spend time in the Cadaver Room where a half dozen lat open on metal tables and many others submerged in deep coffin like cement resevoirs. Even older poems begin with St Brenden, Erik the Red, Columbus and Raleigh so the brakes of time are off, but back then, mythically, mystically the presage forward to 2000, at which we laugh because we are still here!!! make their entrance in that history. So there these stops in the origins of America stand for many more all of us made, as in Vittore Baroni's La Biblioteca Utopica, where Calendar was exhibited with books of 170 authors from 26 countries, "art done by everybody for everybody...aligned and transversal planes that frequently cross and mingle, an underground tradition fueled by grassroots activism in continuous transformations filled with insets, cards, postals, lithos, stamps, photos and more. The books of the Utopian Library were conserved afterward in an archive in Viareggio, a little like the way these are here on Amazon after "Fifty years ago today I picked up two boxes of / A Calendar of Poems: Encouragements for Such as Shall Have Intention to be Undertakers in the Planting of the New Found Land, Set Forth with Divers Reasons and Inducements, 500 copies from Express Press in Austin.George Bruce Moses (named for George Bruce Halsted?) (28 May 1950-22 May 1975)http://records.ancestry.com/george_br... did the cover of A Calendar of Poems (December, 1973) He had been painting large canvases of heads, glistening white with red outlines when he was stricken. Another contemporary, Victoria Donner (PMc) provided the photographs.
I had been in and out of amateur status, dishwashing and gardening, but an overwhelming need for cash and the coming birth of a daughter, required a re-up. That summer I canvassed the executive committee with intent. It was not an automatic hire because years before, as explained by one who remembered me from previously disrupted seminars, I had been let go for the sin of enthusiasm. There were just not any jobs in the evening school. This was to avoid being actionable. So with two hirings, the second at intervention of John Silber, but also two firings from the same department, the issue need proof. English had initiated a grade inflation index by then, because English was guilty of puffery. If you got a 1 you graded the student just like everybody else. Less than a 1 and you were tougher. Greater than a 1 and your student evaluations were suspect quid pro quo. I had one year as that Adjunct Temp, for they had forgotten my earlier incarnation in the linguistics department and talk of unionizing 600 TAs when the department chair started the Association of Graduate Students in English to forestall such union. I was elected co-chair of the Association on a platform of producing poetry readings to pay cash to the reader, which produced three occasions. I quit after these, didn't finish that august term. All was forgot, hired thrice but fired only twice. To win the teaching award was automatic loss of down.
Spiritual enlightenment could be had on the Quadrangle in those years. Raja Rao, his nimbus intact, thought the philosophy bldg built on top of Indian burial mounds. There were extensive steam tunnels under the campus. G. V. Desani took disciples, if they would sit on their feet. An easier form of Tibetan insight if you would not verbalize the think, not think, cardinal, but instead think, bird-birding. At Hare Krishna you could dance and eat sugar but should not engage in sex. Tarot and Golden Dawn were available for a song, not the song of deliverance of David, but astral batteries that came with controlling the universe. As one said to me, "you're not Christ? I'm sorry to hear it."
Illumination was of the people glowing from the mushrooms
harvested from cow patties in Bastrop. A botany student ahead of his time was
growing salvia divinorum in the botany department's greenhouse, all leggy
though. One of the employees I had at the drug garden brought in his banisteriopsis to take the air and sun
for the time he worked. He wanted to keep his lunch in the refrigerator, but I
had a fear of its radioactivity. We did have a good supply of rats. They went
for the seedlings but not the ayahuasca. Just to keep current I read the
McKennas along with Schultes. Datura and amanita were not allowed on campus,
but there were families of communal living. You could experience big brother
too, and if inclined to mere sensuality and had connections, recruited on a
select basis, could sail with professors on their yachts. Three different
people in those years, I don't like to call them men, offered me their wives
for the night or day in exchange.
These may not be exactly what Arrowsmith had in mind when he argued for "a
free and unindoctrinated habit of mind," but they were cheek and jowl with
the “timid, unimaginative, debased, inefficient, [and] futile”...humanists who
“had betrayed the humanities.” He said that the central “enabling principle” of
the humanities was “the principle of personal influence and personal example.”
New chairman Joe Moldenhauer declared in that last year of my Temporary status
that no member of the English department could at any time talk to the press.
Authority makes them mad. He ate this decision every day for lunch. That was
for the tenured. Nobody imagined Temps could talk.
Arrowsmith called for “visible embodiments of the realized humanity of our aspirations, intelligence, skill, scholarship; men ripened or ripening into realization." No doubt he would say men and women or he would have no pie. But the gender wars raged among the elite, "“timid, unimaginative, debased, inefficient, [and] futile,” because the humanists “had betrayed the humanities.” Not to get too far ahead, “liberal institutions immediately cease to be liberal as soon as they are attained,” quoted Ted Kaczynski. But the visible embodiment of realized humanity is more common than the superman ideal. Realized humanity in self sacrifice, family, children, fidelity, prayer, participating in the universe, the community, planting trees is controlling those urges toward denigration and anger that decompose the human fabric.
It was poetic research, finding the gold tree as a mine in the earth from renaissance Italian speculations, a metaphor, like the last chapter of Donne's image of Virginia is a metaphor of the new man. You can refer this kind of science to Steve McCaffery, Canadian Pataphysicist, but I did not know him at the time. My introduction to Jarry’s Ubu was through Roger Shattuck's and William Arrowsmith's students who were offended by the coinage of the term King Ubu instead of Ubu Roi. How they puffed their Ubu Raw! Which may be patapuffery. They were real pataphysicians. One was a priest at a something catholic church that follows Bishop Ledbetter. These fellows put marijuana into the monstrance on the altar during mass to give it a charge and smoked it after. What of such antics when at Texas cloverleafs prickly poppies bloomed and acolytes were out at night slitting the sides of blossoms? Solid Jarry stuff, disappearing rituals in the Texas capitol rotunda, astral batteries to heighten their power to identify the angels that surrounded a particular customer.
Do you think three or just one archangel? And whose biding does it? The head of all these was robed in gowns for services which ordinary people could also attend. An ex-military whose wife was psychic. She asked me once, it being early August, what an eclipse meant, there was one due later that month. I regret saying, "death." Her husband died two weeks later after celebrating the mass; he still had his robes on from that meeting with the altar boys.
All these believed more or less from beginning to end that all possible world histories will simultaneously come into being, that “the kundalini of the entire human race is rising.” I didn’t seek this theme, not because I missed ZARG on first reading because my copy had the page ripped out of that edition, no doubt it hides in somebody's wallet hoping to recognize the dragon, "the old Midgard Serpent whose awakening shatters the illusion of reality in the old Norse myth." Its equivalent is the Coltrane Church of Electroshock "anointed universal sound from the throne of heaven incarnated in one Sri Rama Ohnedaruth mighty mystic known as Saint John Will-I-Am Coltrane." If these don't buzz, hey, there’s no need for the faery, no need for Zarg, we have Bilbo’s Smaug and the dragon of Revelation.
What is the collective unconscious living entity that personal consciousness is to lose itself within like cells in a body? Face to face with this alien entity billions of soul-stolen minds entered Old Testament times, but not as a united nation at war with another ethnic, as Israel at Jericho. No angel goes before to drive out the Canaanite scientist, the Amorite artificial intelligence, the Hittite invoked alien ET demons, the Perizzite government manufactured super soldiers, the Hivite DNA revived hybrids and the Jebusite systems of GMO, chemtrail, HAARP technolgies, but not a people to "put off the ornaments" of the world we wear, and expect "the cloudy pillar" to descend (33.9).
Alters for altars, EMR for images, NLP for groves. The collective unconscious is insane.
But as for temptation of riches, absorption in the drugged over mind, oblivion
and acceptance by the masses, to whore their deities. No molten (34.17)
refers to "all that opens the matrix" (19). The law given again as we go up to this new
Jericho is the first battle of a war that ends at the opening of the seventh
seal. Ai and Jericho controlled the ascent. Had Joshua asked his advisors they
would have said don’t go. No one would have come up with this. Government
undergrounds, HAArps, chemtrails, genetic modification, disinformation, it
helps immensely to have a target of all these in one head subsuming
individuals, freedoms, lives, Zarg in short, the slogan under many flags. KILL
When tracking the opposite of reality the probabilities of improbabilities is
Raymond Chandler saw it, "Her teeth parted and a faint hissing noise came out of her mouth...she hadn't move when I got back with the glasses. The hissing had stopped...I looked away. Then I was aware of the hissing noise very sudden and sharp...the hissing noise came tearing out of her mouth as if she had nothing to do with it...she called me a filthy name...her teeth chattered and the hissing noise was sharp and animal...the imprint of her head was still in the pillow, of her small corrupt body still on the sheets. I put my empty glass down and tore the bed to pieces savagely." Big Sleep.
Grendel’s Mother
You can mine this ground if you mine it yourself. Knowing the strata is like knowing the generations that descend, if you don't know them and deem yourself a unique version. Like a modernism puerile to recognize that the thing founded upon the thing it considers out of date is just ignorantly past, it doesn't make a genius not to know how in the history of families one came into being, not hatched full blown from the head. Grendel's mother slobbering in her cave is still Grendel's mother. You cannot escape it even if you put it to death. Toss the coin again, write on top of old precepts, maxims, resonant with the past. Scrape it off and see what's underneath. This is a form of classicism, to retell the telling of a thing over again and again through centuries.
The permutations of this, the transmutations are interesting themselves. The Welsh poet Taliesin was told and retold and retold, accreting and growing all the time. The corpus I want to retell might be Aeschylus, or Grimm, or the Mabinogian, but changed from the first likeness like a memory not from the original but from the last recollection. Sometimes I don't know what the tale is I'm retelling until later. Sometimes, consumed with the technique or speaker of the tale I want to hear mules talk and get up in the middle of the night to hear Kafka's dog or ape who becomes a man. In "The Burrow" the animal speaks of itself so that we at all points consider him a man, in the third person along with Josephine the mouse singer. Jonathan Swift figures big in retelling some concrete version of a myth about humanity but without referring exactly to it. The myth underlies and surrounds all he says about his giants. The same is true but ever in a more ethereal sense with Blake's fairies and giant forms. I rode these torrents to wrestle parables and allegories while singing, "oh who is an ocean to bathe the world's sores in?" To retell the telling once more is paragory. Reuchlin in the renaissance coined "the wonder-working word” to change the structure of reality, the word spoken, not arcanely in secret, but openly, what you hear in the ear from the roof.
Cited. The New Criterion June 1994. William Arrowsmith: a recollection. By James Tuttleton.
Calendars portray the passage of times and seasons. This is an American calender and portrays the passage of the times and seasons of America from its first mythic discovery to the end of the 20 th century, what is felt to be a round number, a millennium or two.
The title of this volume comes from a work by Sir Robert Gordon of l625 by a mostly similar name. That was an inducement to colonization, this is a celebration of selected "colonizers" if by that we were allowed to include such as St. Branden , Eirik the Red, Columbus, and Sir Walter Raleigh, who comprise the first four "months." Thus in a series of dramatic musings the lyrics attempt to portray what they might have felt or thought in that most essential part of their voyages, the dream, the sacrifice, the betrayal. .July and August, by mystical custom, are exempted from historical narrative and purport to celebrate the new world creation itself. It is hoped that the reader will also mystically discern what spiders, flys, sun, orphans and snakes all have in common.
Nowhere is there precedent for breaking the year in half, opposing spring and summer with fall and winter, but that is what occurs. The first six months occur more or less in the time frame of centuries and moral innocence while the last six months occupy the final decades of the 20th century and the millenium which we thought would never end. These auger from decadence toward deliverance, and bespeak a moral experience.
Whether innocence or experience, all the months are juxtaposed with seventeenth century contexts since the purpose is to recreate the thought and feeling of not only the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's but to view them from the point of view of the original naivete of those discoverer's times to see what betrayals, confirmations, prophecies were fulfilled.
There is a lot of sowing and reaping in these new worlds, grief and pathos in the sowing of the seed, Eirik the Red and Sir Walter Raleigh both losing their sons there, and grief and pathos too in the reaping, for all the sons lost in the planting.
And with it always occurs the promise of hope, new birth, the mediation of light and lights, sun and moon, red and gold that shine upon the plants, both seed and fruit.
Seed time is spring, the planting in the new world imagination of everything according to its kind, March through July, depending on climate and then comes the reaping, in September, the last decades of a millenium, fall and winter, our lot, fruit upon fruit.
Likewise in the dramatic musings of the harvest we try to tell what seed was sown, of presidents and empires, wars, commerce and self-infatuation, September and its citizens of October, fantasized optimists gone for the gold or is it property? Call it love and old hardened psychedelic and the revolution, followed by November and, in worse taste, the new vulgarity, who could do it justice? the destruction of life as we knew it.
These contradictions, offenses terminate in the new day, ha, that comes to its end or beginning in December, I mean the year as they sell it, and you find out, if, well, you're confused. It's a holiday to get away. The joke's on who? Chickens, roosters and pigs. That's right.
January, new year old, is the judgment and reason for the Virginian voyage all over again, but this time where to go? Old for the old-fashioned, new for the new, space-age time and go. How to escape? Read the next book. The context goes full circle in February with the old Anglo-Saxon verse, "The Husband's Message," but this voyage is of a heavenly visitation as if some new St. Branden were to begin a heavenly navigation.
Finally the 90's didn't end as we thought, they're still going.
I am of an anabaptist faith as it turns out., three occasions. first dedication as a Mennonite by Rev. Henert, then about 12 sprinkled by a rev. Ewalt at Crafton pres. church in order to join the church. My fathere and I met him in his study and i think i remember kneeling to receive a sprinkle of water from a canteen that he had taken from the Jordon River. this felt sacred and affected me some days, but not permanently, So I chose to be immersed at Grace Chapel one Sun night to fulfill what I thought right, which was performed in that season, but the baptism that counts I received in the back of a tent of Oliver B. Greene on both knees where I had knelt, duplicitously to quite smoking, but when i knelt , the electric began and has not ceased ever. There were anointings before this at 11 or so when the mantle of not to kill fell on me one morning on a Saturday when I was out walking early by the Thornburg school. just to be out walking early seems peculiar now, but no more so that making gunpowder and rockets, or any other acts, like serving while in college a coop period with the Latin American Mission. it is all these matters I account in these autobiographical texts.
Journal of Presbyterian History, 59:1 (Spring 1981)to modify his personal attitudes toward other Christians. He would be more "loving" and appreciative, less judgmental and
condemnatory than had been his custom. This in itself was
news—a fundamentalist with a changed attitude.
Thess. 4:17; Rev 12:5). Harpazo is translated “caught up” or “caught away” the five times (out of
thirteen) it appears in the Bible relating to rapture. The other eight times it is translated, “to
forcibly seize upon, snatch away, take to oneself or use force on someone.”3 In Acts 8:39, the
Holy Spirit “caught away” Philip after he ministered to the Ethiopian eunuch and placed him in
Azotus, some 20-30 miles away. In 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Paul twice describes his experience of
being “caught up” to the Third Heaven. In Revelation 12:5, the man child of the Woman (usually
interpreted to mean, Jesus) was “caught up” to God and His throne. And in 1 Thessalonians 4:17,
the primary text for the Rapture of the Church, “we who are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air . . .” (together with them refers to the
“dead in Christ,” who were resurrected immediately preceding the Rapture).
Germantown,birth row houses, orphanages, blood among the flowers harpazo
Chartiers, 5 coal town, polluted creek, two track Pennsy, open spaces, remnants of coal mining, strip mining
Merion 17 serior yr h.s. new school lower Merion overflow, a harpazo out of the coal geting saved.
Drexel,18 coop jobs, business to English, asst profs from Penn getting Ph.d.s
Latin American Mission 1963 san jose costa rica coincideent with peace corp, intro to theology, quest for the historical, continuing influence from drexel profs to first class minds and committed lifves.
Harpazo again, sudden death of oldest brother, fis born, midnight flight, last yr, college, tennis team, Poetry apprentice of forms, applic to Iow and workshop, marrriage, take off.
Iowa more fist class minds 2 yrs M.A. connect with HSBC stafing,
Phila, NE, travel transition,
190678 jan appt in fayettenam HSBC1. Sand Hills, teaching, Harpazo 3,firing
Phila, transition
Austin 68 Balcones fault linguistics Sagas poetry
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- A literary response to diminishing fragments that order Postscripts of the Age..
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