Leaving Bishop College
Sr. Celine, MM, who I served with in the Bishop College English Department, she from 1970, "found herself in a position to overcome the just suspicions of faculty and students as to why a white woman, with her qualifications, would choose to be on the faculty of a struggling Black Christian College." This is valuable for a statement about the suspicion that falls upon any one who intrudes into the racial miscontracts of the U. S. and the world. It can be said of any missionary, any Caucasian or for that matter any nonmember intruding into a group. Sociologists got away with it for a time and scientists maybe do still. I have had multiple trials of this, two among black people, one among Latin American students in San Jose, Costa Rica. But moving to the Mainline of Philadelphia for the last year of high school from a multi-ethnic steel town surely counts, also travels among the Hopi and Navajo towns of Arizona is relevant. In all this, empathy and love cover a multitude of sins. The after effects of Bishop College have been cooperating in and maintaining a solo medical practice for thirty years in the downtown zip code of Phoenix, delivered to us by divine providence and prophecy.
Sr. Celine took her doctorate at the U of Santo Tomas, FOUNDED 1611! I took
mine just down the road in Austin, but something of the same just suspicion
could have affected me had I let it, twice, since I took teaching positions in
Fayetteville in 1967 and Bishop in 1981-86. I just don't consider myself in any
of those categories, and now I don't consider myself a part of any human society
of dissipates or renegades. I am a thinking being engaged as a wayfarer
even as I am attacked by pit bulls as I walk before dawn. It gives poignancy to
the beliefs of Mennonites I hold legitimately on my own and from family members
of the past.
All hoopla of making a name,
garnering honors to be respected, deny the one truth we may not avoid, we are
all one person as created human and none of the differences among us matter as
much as our honoring and caring for one another no matter what station. If,
after enough time, the veneer of society wears through and the simple courtesy
of greeting one another as human beings dissipates I resign. This was not
the case in the years addressed when the layers of blessing were able to
overcome the not invisible animus of much of the faculty whose questions Celine
addressed. The must be a huge exception to this for Dr. Helen Benjamin, one of the most excellent people I have known, whose
magnanimous character went on to have a brilliant career. She was the
only notably open encounter I had with those in authority, aside from Dr. Vernon McDaniel,
interim president of the college before Dr. Lassiter. I went to see him
unannounced concerning an African student who had a psychic break and was being
held at the state institution at Terrell. I visited with Cyril there, to
encourage him, and he did make a full recovery. I wanted Dr. McDaniel to know
of the situation and left impressed with his gravity and concern.
This is not to say
necessarily that difficulties were racial, but whatever they were I lack the
constitution to be bullied. Ultimately I avoid situations of conflict, once
they become overbearing, so I had already booked my resignation at the end of
that fifth year, after being granted tenure, partly because I was being made
too visible and had fewer lower level classes, so knew fewer students, and
presciently too, since the College would close the next year anyway, and with
the shake up I would have been made the English department chair at that end.
Anyway we were on our way to this medical practice in the desert. On the flip
side the orange trees of the Sonora beckoned and I felt if there was anywhere I
would regret living it was there where we ended up staffing clinics at the
Grand Canyon for whole weekends and one solid month, as well as in Kearny.
It may be a lonely walk but we still get to meet wayfarers on the same road of Isaiah 35. The reservations among the students at the start of my Bishop tenure were dissolved in the third week of that first semester when I sang Psalm 8 in full voice a capella to a packed literature class of juniors and seniors. My relation to the body politic became a little transcendent. To the many Nigerian and Kenyan students the encounter with an American PhD was an extraordinary thing and they were full of respect. I knew and appreciated many Kikuyu students from Kenya and even more Ibo from Nigeria and retain an affection for all those black students in appreciation of the honesty and depth of their culture. There were even more American students at both Fayetteville and Bishop who confided in me personal elements of their lives just because I was neutral and not of their backgrounds and cultures, both men and women These were moving and poignant expressions. I never did much in those circumstances beyond listening. Like a therapist, in trust. There was no student evaluation at Bishop like Fayetteville or Texas, so feedback was oral. At Fayetteville these were expressive. One student, made this point,
--Being a
white man in a black school, he shows no sign of prejudice towards the black
It is true that he is a white man, but what negro man or woman could you go to and tell him your problems and ask for help? Not one! The negro man will give some smart remarks and try to get fresh, which the negro woman doesn't like you because you look better than she does--
I think it important to see the humor in that because she's kidding and not kidding too. I hesitate to give the evaluations of the teaching per se, they are embarrassing, like the one in the series at Texas I took to Dean Silbur to get my TA job back after being fired for being "in linguistics," obviously a pseudonym for something else, further illuminated here.. "Thank you Andy! You gave us life!" Seriously, Arrowsmith would turn in his grave.
It is always the rule to encounter in such situations the open hearted as much as it is an exception to encounter them in the opposite populations of suspicion, greed and self centeredness. Students were puzzled, --He is a teacher who will make the black student wonder about. He does not speak too highly of his own race, but seems to enjoy working with the blacks. Questions enter the student's mind which take a long time to answer. I am still puzzled about his concern for the blacks. The best that can be hoped for in this neutrality, that is, "that he shows no signs of prejudice." For how can you read the intent or mind of another anyway?
Maybe I never said this much
before because I was asked so many times at both schools whether I was going to
write a book about the experiences of teaching there. This has been done
countless times by voyeurs of academe to boast their laurels. I always said I
was not going to do so and never did. It seems like profiteering. The payback
has been the gratitude I feel in encountering such a wide spectrum of people,
which continued what had begun in all the previous expatriations from
Germantown to the Chartiers Valley, to the Mainline, Costa Rica, Iowa, North
Carolina, Texas, the Hill Country and beyond. I have been blessed in these
contacts. Consider that the first online appearance of Angel Standing in the
Sun was on the cover of the initial issue of Awhile, of Nigeria, and
that my first chapbook of poems The True Light That Lights, was issued
by a publisher in Nigeria, Parousia Reads, who have made it available anywhere in the
world in a couple days from Amazon. Contrast this against the usual limited
number of copies that chapbooks receive and with the difficulty of obtaining
them, Often there are less than 50.
Sr. Celine, who had begun in Fushun, Manchuria, and served for six years from
1936, speaking Mandarin, got eight months of internment in the revolution. https://maryknollmissionarchives.org/?deceased-sisters=sister-celine-marie-werner-mm,
She was at Bishop College, in her own
words, to “help disadvantaged youth come to a realization of their own worth
and power, by enabling them to develop their intellectual powers and skills,
and by awakening them to a deeper, wider vision of life.”
My own set of assumptions, practiced for six years at UT- which got me fired
there twice, more or less, were that everybody is a genius and may realize it
at any time. It's true I had an ulterior motive to teach at Bishop since my
wife was in medical school at Southwestern in Dallas, but I should be classed a
diehard since I had done it before, at the public affiliated black college of
Fayetteville State in the 60s, home of Charles Chestnutt.
The polities of these difficult social relationships are important to maintain,
which I did perfectly with one exception, according to my own lights, when I
agreed to accompany three white teachers to the cafeteria once, which they did
often, the Chilean, Adriana Cobo-Frenkel
in biology, who organized an exhibition of her work and about two dozen of my
paintings in the Zale library, Sr. Celine and one other, a Filipino. There was
an international aspect to the faculty, which gave it some distinction. Of
course I had also worked for the Latin America Mission in Costa Rica before
this, but this was mere shadow compared to Celine's commitment, even if I could
be suspected of altruistic intentions.
Dr. Augustine Fernandez, Professor of Spanish at Bishop, who began at
Bishop in 1964, has to be considered distinguished. She received her doctorate
from the University of Havana and was part of the intellectual ferment in the
years before the Cuban Revolution. Indeed, by her telling, she and her husband
were on the last plane out of Havana after the revolution. If this sounds
improbable you would have to know her passion. She faced down the guards at the
door of the plane who had come to take her husband off. She had joined the
college in 1964 which bio occurs in the Tiger Yearbook of 1969. Augustine continued to write and publish in literary
magazines in the United States.
“For us, we hope, reason will and should prevail and the killing will stop, and the greed should stop, and the emaciated faces of the hungry children of the world will not scare our hearts anymore, and man will come of age, of real age, and the fear of hidden monster in Apocalypsis or in Inferno will leave us, and truth, cooperation and love will vanish the bipartition, or tripartition of social masses, and we all billioned humankind will breathe here in America and on every corner of the earth the tonic of peace and the serenity of life.”
Augustine Fernandez, Thoughts About America.
Speaking of distinction Dr. Helen Benjamin, then at the start of her extraordinary career, was the chair of English when I arrived. Her grace in administration is of the highest praise.At home among these sometime prisoners and emigres of four continents, I had in common with Celine, as her obit cites, an enthusiasm for Dostoevsky, Shakespeare and Yeats and that is a great affinity. It was not my choice to apply for tenure at Bishop. Dr. Lassiter send a memo to all faculty early in his administration that mandated everyone was expected to apply, so I complied and was the only one granted, for which I suffered almost as much ire as when in his first faculty assembly he held up a copy of the Red Rose, the college lit mag I started and edited of all student work the year before and said he wanted more things like this. I had done something of the same collection of student writing at Fayetteville and published them anonymously in the school paper. While it is always better to avoid publicity, the yearbook staff were all students of mine as well as contributors to the Red Rose so they gave it a center page spread in the '83 Success, the last yearbook to appear. The third strike of exposure besides the Red Rose and tenure was when the department moved me from the basement office I had inhabited to Celine's glassed-in office on the second floor. The teaching assignments improved dramatically. Since I had just enough advanced work in phonetics I taught linguistics, along with creative writing, the mind of the maker, and colonial American lit, in addition to world lit. Visibility however was a detriment. In an example of visibility's retribution the infrastructure would not, just would not print the second Red Rose, even though John Dvorak executive assistant to the president, got a handful of proof copies to me, I did not realize that the way to get it printed was not through the system but by Baksheesh and homage to the college printer. Not like undergrad writing but of life and suffering, of people who have known what true life is and have loved it, it had the work of Darryl E. King, Farah I. Brown, Promise O. Gomba, Eniola Abosede, Elizabeth M. Bockarie, Katrina Harrison, Carlton Smith, Carla Crisanti, Noisey Shelton, Kenneth I. Ibe, Kendrick Denman, David Eldridge, Melvin Neal, and Michael Payne.
Admittedly I did some good work in teaching and writing there. My lectures in lit were taped and put in the library the next day for consultation. I planted trees on campus! Taught creative writing. Still I can see how it might rankle that the only positive result of this mandated tenure application was white. Talk about a set up. Those who had tenure felt the same as before, disdainful of the naif, which is all I am underneath. In those years I informally published two full length works, one about the herbs and native plants of Texas, Native Texans, and one, written before our second child was born in my wife's third year of med school, A Poetical Reading of the Psalms of David. There was more than one fictional effort besides The Roundness of Belly Heart's Bearing, a take on birth. But the tenure thing had to be influenced by publications, which just happened to come just at this time either by accident or fiat, especially when Piante Celeste appeared in Rome among the some of the most prestigious authors like Guy Davenport, and the Taliesin Poems, which the editor called me on the phone at the last minute to get permission for.
All this time I was also writing pieces for the native plant newsletters like those at Greenhills in Dallas and for Carroll Abbott in Kerrville, founder of the native plant movement. I used to start writing at 2.30 a.m., then type it up before the family woke. The idea of tenure is a mistake anyway. All of us are passing through. Tenure produces the worst creative and intellectual habits.
This was before word processor and the internet, which produced hundreds of stories, poems and essays since 2005, and twice that in blog, not to speak of manuscript. These together have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times, which is not say they have had any impact either way for the subject or author, but that is by the way, the work reason, with multiple volumes of eighteenth century Pennsylvania history. My wife being brilliant and as off handed as possible about it-- a botanist, with an M.A. in literature from the University of Wales, cleared the MCAT with the second highest score in the city, had a pick of any residency in the country, which was Good Samaritan in Phoenix because she could intern at the Grand Canyon and rural clinics in mining country, but we took a hard look at St Paul's in Dallas, if we elected to stay, and Albuquerque, Galveston, Houston and Austin, which were failing. We wanted to stay close to the land, she being a ranch girl, so we rennovated and added on, sold our house ourselves, put a strange For Sale Sign above the kitchen door, and got double what we paid.
Let it be said that all this from the beginning was provided for, the job at Bishop, the house bought cheap because it was a gang house, the buyer at the end who did PR for the Dallas Symphony and arranged his own finance. All provided. Good Sam provided a month at the Grand Canyon clinic for residents if they wished, weekend stints for moonlighting, as well as in copper mining country. We did them all many times. I walked our two small children down the Bright Angel and Kaibab trails many times. Our daughter would hop along the rocks cawing convincingly like a crow. We saw a snow bow in the sky there when the sun shined through the flurries. Two mornings a week at least, for years, I packed myself and the two year old and the seven year old into the Four Peaks wilderness early in summer, to pastel sketch rock formations and hang out among the teddy bear and saguaro, bright, brilliant, clear. Eventually, all together, we worked our way through the Mazatals, on foot, sometimes with our first black chow-chow, a male gang dog who was an escape artist and three time escaped his captor in order to join us, dragging his chain, until we finally kept him safe. We camped the Mogollon rim country often and all over the White Mountains many times, but stopped finally after the Wallow Fire of 2011. All of this was the result of that decision to leave teaching behind, one thing I was natively good at, not like writing. But the ceramics are good. I never taught again, not that efforts weren't made, but maybe you know what happened to the universities and personas non grata.
Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
Being a social, intellectual, artistic outlier became limiting to publications
after 2018 or so. To alleviate the back pressure of writing every day for all
those years I implemented many pseudonyms, partly because editors could not
understand the many different narrative and expressive postures. Is he a
Christian? That's no good. He is a radical. A Christian atheist? Have an Anglo
name? Not really. Is he white? Taking a leaf from the early aesthetic of elimae
that wanted to publish the best and brightest, where I appeared serially
for a long while, but in opposition to editors who feared to publish back to
back or multiples, I thought the word and thought most important and not the
name, so on more than one occasion, in print, five or more pieces of mine in a
single issue. Not by name. Like an act of piracy.
The fall of the college was speeding on its way as Texas Monthly
reported of its involvement in an offshoot scam of Robert Hicks (An Aggie's Revenge. See Gary Cartwright, Texas Monthly, August
1985). Hicks defrauded $217,500 from the impoverished college because of
Dvorak's error, believable I guess because everything about Dallas is bigger
than life. The author of that article, Cartwright, gives an unflattering
picture of the college, but I never heard a word of this scandal. A credible
good faith effort was made to save Bishop with the appointment of Dr. Wright
Lassiter as president and Dr. Robert Dixon as dean, who were assured by the
monied interests of Dallas they would be taken care of if the event failed.
These kept their word. It's a little hard to believe now that I was in the
thick of intrigues of all kinds, revelation of students about their lives in
Chango cults, Santeria initiations, and the sometime brilliant poetic
appearance of immense talents, one of whom appeared in the first Red Rose,
and whose complete ms. of poems provoked from him a great brilliance, but was
left behind in one or another of his compulsions. I left this ms. in the Zale
Library in the care of the librarian, who took it seriously since I was a
professor, and believe it possibly still exists subject to the retrieval and
redemption under the Paul Quinn college administration of the Zale Library
still there. This poet's whereabouts were generally tracked by his continuing
records. Overpowering gifts like this impose their own destruction the way it
is said of Eprata's founder Beissel, "when they beheld the rays of
heavenly wisdom that shone forth from him they fell in love with the heavenly
beauty, but as soon as they came nearer to his person, the fire as of a
smelting furnace seize upon them" (Chronicon, 19) Among these
confidences in the basement office one Ibo student said he had been cursed by a
witch at home who said he could only get a C. That's a good one, however it was
before I knew anything about exorcism and I gave him a C. Another student, a
Jordanian tried something I knew from UT when a father who wanted to change his
daughter's grade said he was willing to expose my beliefs etc, otherwise to the
department. This Jordanian said if I didn't give a higher grade he would file a
complaint with Dean Daniels and he would have me reprimanded. Yes I knew this
would work considering the circumstances. Other students among the writers, had
my back though, esp. DK, much appreciated, and others. On my list is the
republication of Red Rose II (1984) 1-35, online. I am substantially behind.
I was trying to track down Celine's dissertation when I remembered
Celine's comment on Psalm 23 in my Poetical Reading of the Psalms of David, (Bishop, 1985),
that it was "authentic."
BISHOP COLLEGE R.I.P.? Cecil Sharp. D Mag, Aug 1987 gives a full polemical obit.
Addendum. The purpose of this addendum is to recognize what a blessing Bishop College was for me at this time.
I WAS GIVEN TENURE, THE EMBARRASSMENT OF TENURE BECAUSE I WAS THE TYPE OF FACULTY THEY WANTED TO BUILD THE COLLEGE AROUND FOR THE FUTURE, should there be one, FIRST ENTHUSIASM FOR TEACHING, HONORABLE RELATIONS AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF STUDENTS, AND ESP. INSPIRATION OF CREATIVITY IN EVERY ASPECT OF TEACHING AND LIFE. I WAS ALSO HARD WORKING IN MY OWN WAY, WRITING, AND INVOLVED IN COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, ESP. IN BOTANY, EVEN WITH A WIFE IN MED SCHOOL. What they did not account was that under these welcome attitudes was an inability to be bullied, and be controlled by attitudes of the past whether they were black or white attitudes. I rejected them all. I rejected white attitudes about blacks beginning at least the age of 10. I rejected commercials of motherhood and love, Valentines Day and and Mothers day, two kingpins of the greeting merchandise industry as sentimental travesties by age 12 with long debates with my aunt who was the New York buyer for a department store. I rejected princess attitudes and blackmail of others to get your way. My experience of black life was less complete than the white, but in another way various and profound, for I saw much to like about the openness and joy. The best part of these experiences among the proletariat of Chartiers valley, the main line of Philadelphia, the rural folk of Fayetteville and the cosmopolitans of Dallas, with all the Nigerian, Cuban, Kenyan influences mixed in, not to omit the time in Central America, was just that in my mind they were all equal and each difference, each shade contained value to embrace. I held these attitudes on my own from birth. My life had been transformed in the image of God and eventually I learned, albeit after this, to even so walk. None of this suited me to prosper in the white academic world, so I never was actually able to land similar work again. One door closes another opens. I was to learn how to give my life for others, to teach, support, engage the social world solely as a husband and father, gardener, artist. Though I worked a lifetime at being a writer, my thoughts and perceptions were often too deep and complex to express obviously, so much of that work was not lyrical, but satiric, absurd, surreal, even if always passionate and ironic.
Before this I also served as faculty at Fayetteville State College, now University.
Letters From Fayettenam
“For us, we hope, reason will and should prevail and the killing will stop, and the greed should stop, and the emaciated faces of the hungry children of the world will not scare our hearts anymore, and man will come of age, of real age, and the fear of hidden monster in Apocalypsis or in Inferno will leave us, and truth, cooperation and love will vanish the bipartition, or tripartition of social masses, and we all billioned humankind will breathe here in America and on every corner of the earth the tonic of peace and the serenity of life.”
Augustine Fernandez, Thoughts About America.
We finished our MAs at Iowa in August 1966 and filed papers through an SNCC related recruitment of a clearing house funded by Rockefeller to staff black colleges in the south. The outcome of this social change program engineered by northern philanthropists was an instant upgrade in faculty rights, because nobody was going to mistreat the entitled without due process. Previously, the president, known as Sundown Jones, would rule you be gone at sundown and you were gone, which he did in fact about 2 weeks after the April 1968 student uprising, her miscarriage, other afflictions and obvious angers, except I organized and filed a protest with the AAUP at the undue process of such late notice, and the college was mildly censured. So you could no longer treat faculty with disrespect. The sun was down.
When I first arrived in Fayetteville I stayed at Dinty Moore’s and sat on the veranda with the white folk who run the town. I told them I was new English faculty at Fayetteville State College. There was suspicious intent when the gloves came off, but I didn’t get too hurt by them or anybody else. God protects the fool and the lover, Wordsworth in France during the Revolution, Blake throwing the soldier out of his garden. I don’t know about Milton; there’s a limit to inoculation. Prudence results when the vaccine takes. The little Buddhist out there recognizes that his nature is to become. I always maintained to my students everybody is a genius. Whenever anybody wanted to be one they turned overnight from a D to B or A. The incendiary lights the tails of foxes. Some students believed in themselves and did marvelous things. Others tattled, temporized and lied. I failed only one those years, Henry Bryant, for openly cheating. He acted like he hadn’t done it, caught in the act. Like anybody doing anything, I didn’t do it, but I did.
Those letters from Fayetteville evidence a passionate scouring of America never expressed on site over the course of two sojourns among black people, in Fayetteville and Dallas, the 60s and the 80s, following an equally dispossessing stay in ‘63 in Central America among students from all over Latin America. Those letters to my father, 1963-1986, evidence an openness and trust unusual in itself, confirmed by their having been kept by him all those years and returned at the end of his life, indeed not ever read until now. The only thing more extraordinary was his reaction, encouragement, instructive to anyone now with grown passionate sons in the field.
Usually the letters take up mundane details and are cordial and appreciative, but one sign of the passion of those years comes from the wife’s mother made in the middle of that time: “what would you do if she had a black baby?” That was a categorical misspeak of prejudice. When we were removed, non renewed after all that had transpired, my friend Charlie Brown, Institutional Director, shared some gossip spread by the departmental ladies. I had ordered porn for the library and published poems in the school paper against football. Every one of those poems was reprehensible, from Volkswagen Pussy to Asphalt Goose. Anger was closing to the surface. Psychoanalysts realize they are an increasing function of pressures in the pot, what Karl Hillie called Fayettenam. You cannot emerge unscathed when you take upon yourself the sins of the world. As to porn, the $10,000 given by to upgrade the library was about to lapse, the grant soon to expire, so I passed many afternoons with Books in Print in the library basement filling orders. Naturally I ordered modern literature, not thinking that much of it is pornographic. That’s where I saw the Charles Chestnutt books, first editions on the discard shelf, near where I was filling in cards. Librarians have a disease of deaccessioning, along with stamping and marking. I took those somewhat bedraggled copies in heavy dialect with me when I left, The Conjure Woman, Stories of the Color-Line, and mailed them back all carefully wrapped, marked rare, twenty years later! Charles Chestnutt was from Fayetteville, lived there from the age of 9 in 1867 and taught at the college, then a Normal school. He could pass which ambivalence affected his place of honor and ignominy.
In those years blackness was not the revived joy it is more of today. Indeed the whole effort of the college was to make the students as white as possible in their demeanor, which is what the Dean, Dr. More said on our first interview, “we want the students to act and think just like you.” I was getting to be a hardened visitor in other realms by then and remember thinking that he was pretty naïve if he thought I was the physical image before him. I had no intention of promoting the white thought and values that were being rejected in my own letters to my father. But Dean More’s point was that turnabout is fair play. In that first interview he almost spat the world Caucasoid at us, several times, and enjoyed it too. I enjoyed even more hearing an anger and frustration of decades given voice in the uvulars and stops, putting the caca back in Caucasoid. He was right, excellence had to be self generated. We contributed to that in our firing and the subsequent censure even more than in our teaching.
I had had two other possibilities then, a two year fellowship teaching in Chile, which would have seen the deposing of Allende, traded in for the upset of the assassination of Dr. King, and a job at the new Community College of Philadelphia. Jack Minnis, its new English chair, my major prof at Tesla-Drexel, assured me a contract was in the mail, but at the same time Dr. Jones called. I put him off, might have taken the Philly job but the contract never came. Jack had argued with me about going to a southern black college. He said, “you can teach more contemporary black students and help make them leaders right here.” A good argument, if I had wanted to make leaders, but I didn’t.
It was an old and venerable black community in Fayetteville in level of being. I knew Gullah people from SC like Rilly Gaddy, who was my assistant, a fine example of her people, and Archie Johnson, with the army strike force in the Congo at Stanleyville, now Kisangani, during the rescue of the 1600 European hostages in ’64, which action coincided with the death in a plane crash of UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld. Archie had played competitive chess in the air force and placed well in competitions, but could not write an English sentence to satisfy the departmental ladies. We made a deal. He would teach me chess, I would teach him to write. He worked hard too, actually wrote with a Shakespearean syntax and diction. He also gave me tours of the army base, tours of black social life downtown, took me all over Fort Bragg, in the messes, and downtown to the black pool halls where the slouching dudes of Cab Calloway dressed in canary yellow. The times were troubled. One night in spring ’68 the A&P in Fayetteville burned down. Archie reported this with a whimsy which left open possibility. Ambiguity is wonderful. I wrote a poem about it, but there is no proof this actually happened. He didn’t want to compromise his leadership by seeming too cozy with a white, so at one meeting he suggested they put out a contract on me. At the time he had been fasting for weeks. I learned this only years later when Halsey and Pearson, two all-City basketball players from Bed Sty came to visit and do some plays Halsey had written. I asked if they had heard from Archie and they were amazed I cared for him since they were there at the call for a hit.
You can get to Fayetteville easily enough. Just follow the army to Fort Bragg, but don’t go down Hay St. Saturday night without even chances of a fight.
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