Dove descending interior old Augustus Lutheran Church Sanctuary, founded by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, c. 1743 Providence (Trappe) PA, 18 Sept 2012.

01 February 2021

Brubaker Going Out of Jerusalem on the M1 @ Futures Trading 8.2

Brubaker Going Out of Jerusalem on the M1, in  Futures Trading 8.2., (p. 17-30) print copy in Anthology Eight to follow, appears in the final issue. Print anthologies of these editions are spaced for reading. A linchpin of two worlds connected by a bridge, earlier parts in Cherubim Collection, A Step to the Bridge,The solecisms, spellings etc. are a way of speaking this reality.

 "The article interprets bridges. Topics include that bridge itself is immaterial, and looks like a chandelier; that bridges are filled with refugees, pollution, vehicles, and people; and that bridges act like a mediator and communicator which connects places and people through which people travel and walk." Precis at EBSCO

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